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Alphas Confess All

Page 55

by Shayla Black

  “Deeper,” he guided.

  Lily’s fingers probed farther into her wet sex and she moaned. The sound made her hungry and she slipped another finger in, reaching further into the desire that fed her. Her other hand slid down and returned to her swollen clit. She couldn’t control her speed anymore as she fucked herself for the stranger. The pressure built and she bit her lip against the screams threatening to spill over. She was in a crowded room with a man she didn’t know and she felt as though she was on the verge of everything. She hung on to the precipice, needing it to push her over the edge and wanting to stay suspended in this moment. Lily was lost. She was becoming something else.

  “Come for me,” he whispered.

  Her fingers slipped and the carefully controlled momentum gave way to a shattering pulse of energy that flooded through her. Lily’s thighs trembled closed, shutting against her hands as her orgasm poured through her. Her eyes closed and she lingered in the blissful final tremors of release.

  “I want to join.” The words were a prayer, a plea, and Q could hear the need of them.

  “I want you to join. I want to see what you are willing to do.”

  “Do you want to fuck me?” Lily asked. Her cheeks already warm from climax, heated another degree.

  He nodded. “I do, but I have very particular rules.”

  It was enough to destroy the remnants of bliss. She wanted Q. She wanted him to pull out his cock and take her, and he wouldn’t. Even after the show she’d given him. “Even if I become a member?”

  “I want to see you laid across a table while a room of men fuck you with their eyes. I want to see how far your body will go. I want to know that I can have you exactly as I desire you. I want to see you have pleasure, and you will.”

  A wild, piercing thrill shivered through Lily, raising goose bumps along her bare skin.

  “But first,” he said, withdrawing from her and sitting up, “you must be assessed.”

  Lily hesitated. There was one thing she was unclear about. “You said that you all buy in.”

  “Yes, so it’s fair.”

  “I don’t know my sponsor. Do I owe him?” She’d been invited here by someone else and now she was offering herself to Q.

  “Don’t worry about that. First you need to see Mistress Hill. She’ll prepare you for presentation and membership.” Q handed her a thin business card that bore only the name of the woman he spoke of and a phone number.

  “What will she do?” Lily asked.

  “She’ll assess you. She’ll explain how things work.”

  “That’s it?” Lily couldn’t keep the suspicion from her question.

  “It’s not exactly a physical,” Q said. “You’ll be on display. She’ll want to see what you can do—what you’re willing to do.”

  “Will you come?” she asked.

  Q drew a ragged breath. “Do you want me to?”

  She nodded. Somehow it felt safer. She would show him that she belonged. She would show him that she could be exactly what he desired.

  “I’m Lily,” she stammered, uncertain why she’d given this away.

  “I know.” His voice dropped to a whisper, taking her heart along with it. “I recognized you, Miss Reid. The lace doesn’t hide your lovely blush.”

  Thursday: The Assessment

  The door was painted red like the club’s but was otherwise ordinary. Lily stood before it, clutching her note of introduction.

  “What the hell have I gotten into?” she asked the empty street.

  It had been nearly two days since she had visited The Library, and she wasn’t exactly certain she had the courage to be graded despite a trip to the salon wherein every bit of hair not on her head had been strategically stripped from her body. Even so, without her mask, she was exposing herself in a way she hadn’t with Q.

  Master Q.

  The thought of his dark eyes watching her as she fucked her pussy for him trembled through her. But it was the revelation after that that had shaken her. Behind that mask was the man she’d fantasized about for months. She’d gone from feeling invisible to the sense that the sun itself rose for her.

  Brock Quinn was more than the man who ruled boardrooms and brokered business deals. He was also the phantom who guided her through The Library—his library, she suspected. She’d wanted the man in the mask to take her. Now she wanted more—she wanted to see why he hid, walking amongst the shadows. She wanted to know why he was there alone.

  More than anything, she wanted to know why he’d chosen her.

  But if she wanted to see him again, she had to knock on that door. He had told her to be prepared to be tested by the Mistress, but she was unsure exactly what that meant. However, she had come prepared with the note he had sent and a health assessment from the local clinic. Both made her nervous, but the only way she would feel Q’s fingers slip between her legs or taste his cock would be to prove herself now. Lily knocked on the door.

  A man in a tuxedo answered the door, and for only a moment, Lily fancied she had stepped through time and entered the past. London had a peculiar way of tricking your mind into thinking that. But everything from the formally dressed butler to the marble tiles laid in a black and white diamond pattern to the spiraling mahogany staircase seemed like something from another world.

  The butler took her note of introduction without a word and led her to wait in a drawing room. Lily thought for a moment that it was exactly the type of room a heroine from a Jane Austen novel might have sat in. She wondered how many women visited here now. She was so lost in her thoughts that she did not hear the Mistress enter the room until the woman cleared her throat politely.

  Lily jumped from the sofa, both embarrassed and startled for being so oblivious to her surroundings.

  “You have an introduction from Master Q.” She spoke with an accent Lily couldn’t quite place, though she knew it didn’t belong to London. It was too heavy, too lyrical. Her features were pale, and her once golden hair was fading to the color of straw left too long in the sun. But she was still a striking woman, with high cheekbones and near flawless skin. The only marks of age in her seemed to be her hair and her aura, which exuded authority.

  “I do,” Lily managed to say.

  “Follow me.” The Mistress walked toward the spiral staircase near the entrance without bothering to see if Lily was behind her.

  Lily sensed the assessment had already begun, but she tried not to think on it as her heart was already pounding like a drum in her chest. She smoothed her skirt as she walked, hoping that the seams of her stockings were straight. Having never been assessed for anything like this before, Lily decided it best to dress somewhere between what she might wear to work and what she might change into for a cocktail party. That had only left a few options in her closet.

  The Mistress opened the third door on the second level and stood to the side so Lily might enter first. It was an extraordinarily large room, but rather strangely appointed. A single chair sat in the corner next to a long chest of drawers. In the center of the room, a platform that came to about Lily’s waist stood and over it hung what looked like a swing. She had seen one like it in an adult shop in Denmark.

  “Please remove your blouse and skirt.”

  Lily looked around the room. “May I hang them?”

  “Do you see a closet?” the Mistress asked her. The words were not unkind but once again removed. She was pointing out a simple fact as she had done when she mentioned Q earlier. Furthermore, she stayed in place, not offering Lily privacy to undress, and she watched her with the interest that a doctor might show a patient under his care.

  Down to her lacy bra and garter belt, Lily felt more exposed than she had expected. She had anticipated that she might be asked to perform a sexual task, Q had insinuated that much when he had spoken to her, so she had worn no panties. Now her freshly waxed sex throbbed under the clinical gaze of the Mistress.

  “Lovely,” the Mistress murmured. She circled around Lily, running one finger
along her tailbone. “Remove your bra.”

  Lily unhooked it as gracefully as she could with trembling fingers and held it in her hands.

  “Drop it.”

  Lily did as she was told.

  “You’re childless,” the Mistress said. Another statement of fact, but unlike the others, this one stung.

  “I am,” Lily whispered.

  “But you are on a contraceptive pill?”

  Lily nodded.

  “And you have already provided your bill of health.” The Mistress paused and considered the room before pointing to the platform. “On your knees.”

  Lily took a shaky step forward, crossing to the platform and climbing onto it as gracefully as possible. She knelt as instructed and waited for the Mistress.

  A gentle hand stroked her hair and urged her forward. Lily knew instinctively the Mistress wanted her on her hands and knees and so she bent forward and presented herself to the woman standing behind her.

  “Lovely,” the Mistress murmured again, but this time her hand slid over Lily’s bare cunt as she spoke. She circled the platform, appraising Lily from all angles. Before stopping in front of Lily, she lifted her chin with one finger so that their eyes met.

  “You pass the surface assessment. Master Q was right about you,” the Mistress told her.

  “Then I’ve gained admittance?” Lily asked, rather pleased at the assessment’s simplicity, but the Mistress laughed.

  “No, child. While your physical attributes are of the utmost quality, to gain membership you must show you’re willing to cross over.

  “Cross over?” A tremble rolled through her.

  “We don’t ask you to release your fear,” the woman explained. “But you must embrace it. Open yourself to it. A man like Q requires that…”

  Lily swallowed hard on this revelation. It was what she had suspected would happen, but it had not prepared her for the actual moment. Still, was this a general assessment or one aimed entirely at her? “Do all of the woman go through this?”

  “The women and the men.”

  “I’m not certain I have a skill set in this…arena,” Lily admitted.

  “Most of our members have ordinary sexual lives before they are assessed. I am not looking for knowledge. I’m looking for potential.” The Mistress trailed a single finger down Lily’s cheek and smiled slightly. “As a member you must be open to every new experience. You must seek them out. You must welcome them when another member engages with you.

  “You must control your ecstasy and liberate it. But this is no ordinary test. If you choose to proceed, as a measure of your faith in myself and the club, I will blindfold you. You will be measured and fucked. For some, it is too much to ask,” she finished.

  “And for the others?” Lily asked in a whisper.

  “They become members.”

  Part of Lily wanted to flee the room immediately, but instead she stayed on display for the Mistress as the woman went to the bureau against the wall and retrieved a folded velvet case. Lily caught a glimpse of smooth cobalt glass before a blindfold settled over her eyes.

  “First, the measurements.” Two fingers spread apart Lily’s lips and a cool, glass cock slipped into her mouth. Lily relaxed her throat, allowing it to settle deep.


  Lily sucked the dildo and it moved slowly but forcefully in her mouth, hitting against her throat before it was removed. She thought she heard the scratch of pen on paper and she wondered what the Mistress had written.

  Suddenly the Mistress’s cool fingers skimmed her cunt, flicking at her clit, and causing Lily to moan in pleasure.

  “You are very wet,” the Mistress observed. “Easily aroused.”

  Lily heard the scratch of the pen once again. Surely, that assessment had to be in her favor.

  Smooth glass probed her and then glided in with a smooth stroke. It felt slender to Lily, not that she had lots of experience, but not a minute later, it withdrew, and in a second, a larger dildo pushed inside of her. The Mistress repeated the process until Lily gasped against one that felt impossibly large as it nudged her opening.

  “Excellent,” the Mistress pronounced, not forcing the dildo past Lily’s swelling folds. “Roll onto your back.”

  Lily did so carefully, allowing the Mistress to help her so she didn’t tumble off the platform. She sensed the Mistress moving around her feet, lifting them up to rest on her shoulder, and she heard Velcro ripping apart. But it wasn’t until a cuff fastened around her left ankle and held it in the air that she knew the Mistress was using part of the overhead swing. Lily was tied to it, both legs dangling, spreading her wide open.

  “Touch yourself.”

  Lily hesitated. She was aroused enough after having a collection of glass cocks sliding in and out of her. She wasn’t certain she could control her orgasm now. It was already throbbing between her legs; a gust of wind might have sent her over the edge. But she did as she was told and massaged a single finger into her soaking cleft. Lily bit her lip and willed her body not to shatter against the sensation.


  It wasn’t the command Lily had hoped for, but she abandoned her cunt only to feel the warm head of a cock press against her.

  “You wanted me to fuck you,” Q’s rough voice reminded her. “This is the Mistress’s final assessment, but she felt I was better qualified to handle it.”

  “Oh!” Lily couldn’t hold back the exclamation, and she was met with a laugh.

  “Do you want my cock? Ask for it.”

  “Please,” she murmured, her breath speeding up with anticipation. “Please give it to me.”

  “What?” He hadn’t moved. She still felt the warm promise of what was to come nestled at her entrance.

  “Please give me your cock.” It wasn’t more than a whisper, but it was raw and vulnerable.

  “Very good. I loved watching you.” A hand stroked across her belly as he rocked inside her with slow deliberation. “So trusting. So willing. What else will you let me do, Lily?”

  “Anything.” She wished she could open her eyes and meet his. She wanted him to know she meant it.

  “You feel so fucking good,” he groaned, “but there is another side to pleasure. You know that, don’t you?”

  Lily’s teeth gripped her lip as she tried to hang on to this moment, not ready for it to end. Q’s pace slowed as though he understood her desire to linger.

  “Pain,” he murmured. His hand skimmed over her breast and then she felt a sharp pang as his fingers twisted her nipple. At the same moment, she contracted around him, a low moan escaping her. “I want to show you both. I want to own your body—your pleasure. Your pain. I want others to watch but never touch. I want you to belong to me. Will you do that?”

  “Yes,” she breathed without a second thought.

  He stopped speaking to Lily after that, but he thrust into her with force, immediately setting her body to splinter along its fragile edges. Her orgasm burst out of her, and whether it was from the strange foreplay or her prone position, it was violent, sending her into spasms as the waves of pleasure poured through her, escaping in cries from her lips. His hands gripped her hips and he groaned loudly, filling her with his warmth. When he withdrew from her body, her legs trembled in their bindings, but no one removed them. Instead a strong hand slipped inside of her, stretching her apart and rubbing against the tender walls of her channel until it found the spot that sent her over the edge again.

  When he finally moved away, Lily didn’t care. She was trapped in a purgatory of bliss, her legs weak, her body shaking, her sex dripping from Q’s ejaculation and her own arousal. He could do whatever he wanted to her and she would thank him for it. She understood that now. Although the quiver of her last orgasm had yet to leave her body, she ached for the next adventure, each part of her ready, willing, and almost desperate for it. In that moment, she would have given her very soul for the trace of his finger on her body.

  Friday: The Office

sp; Caroline peeked into her cubicle as soon as Lily arrived the next day. Her friend bounced from foot to foot as she settled into her desk, but despite the excitement pouring from her, Caroline didn’t speak.

  “What is it?” Lily asked as she switched on her desktop and began checking her email log. She was almost afraid to ask after yesterday. Lily wasn’t certain she could bear any more surprises in her life. Not that anything Caroline had to tell her would be more interesting than Lily’s evening. But Lily couldn’t share that with anyone. Not even Caroline.

  “You aren’t going to believe what’s happened!” Caroline dropped into the spare chair and dragged it closer to Lily’s own. “Remember Steve Anderson’s old office?”

  “Did you get it?” That would be a surprise, but Lily couldn’t see another reason that Caroline would be as concerned with a vacant corner office.

  “Don’t be daft.” Caroline shooed away the thought with her hand. “Mr. Quinn took it!”

  “Mr. Quinn?” Lily repeated weakly. Surely, she’d misheard her friend. There was no way that Brock Quinn would take an office here. Not when he had the entire top floor of the building to himself.

  “Sadly, it’s temporary,” Caroline told her. “They have to do some construction on his office and we had one available. Do you know what this means?”

  Dozen of possibilities swam through Lily’s mind as memories of his hands on her danced over her skin. It was a coincidence, she told herself sternly. It had nothing to do with her. “What?”

  “We get to look at him every day!” Caroline clapped her hands together, but the girlish enthusiasm faded when she saw the look on Lily’s face. “What’s wrong? I thought it was the best news ever.”

  “It is.” Lily quickly rearranged her face, hoping that a smile would cover up the color she’d felt drain from it. “I just hope he doesn’t start firing people.”

  Caroline crinkled her nose. “Look on the bright side. Plus, it’s not like he even knows who we are.”

  As if cued to her words, Lily’s desk phone rang. She grabbed it quickly, thankful for an excuse to avoid this conversation. “Hello?”


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