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The Shadow of the North: A Story of Old New York and a Lost Campaign

Page 3

by Joseph A. Altsheler



  Robert now had much experience of Indian attack and forest warfare,but it always made a tremendous impression upon his vivid and uncommonimagination. The great pulses in his throat and temples leaped, andhis ear became so keen that he seemed to himself to hear the fall ofthe leaf in the forest. It was this acute sharpening of the senses,the painting of pictures before him, that gave him the gift of goldenspeech that the Indians had first noticed in him. He saw and heardmuch that others could neither hear nor see, and the words to describeit were always ready to pour forth.

  Willet and Tayoga were crouched near him, their rifles thrust forwarda little, and just beyond them was Captain Colden who had drawn asmall sword, more as an evidence of command than as a weapon. Themen, city bred, were silent, but the faces of some of them stillexpressed amazement and incredulity. Robert's quick and powerfulimagination instantly projected itself into their minds, and he saw asthey saw. To them the cry of a wolf was the cry of a real wolf, theforest was dark, lonely and uncomfortable, but it was empty of anyfoe, and the four who had come to them were merely trying to create asense of their own importance. They began to move restlessly, and itrequired Captain Colden's whispered but sharp command to still themagain.

  The cry of the wolf, used much by both the Indians and the borderersas a signal, came now from the east, and after the lapse of a minuteit was repeated from the west. Call and answer were a relief toRobert, whose faculties were attuned to such a high degree that anyrelief to the strain, though it brought the certainty of attack, waswelcome.

  "You're sure those cries were made by our enemies?" said young Colden.

  "Beyond a doubt," replied Willet. "I can tell the difference betweenthe note and that of a genuine wolf, but then I've spent many years inthe wilderness, and I had to learn these things in order to live.They'll send forward scouts, and they'll expect to find you and yourmen around the fire, most of you asleep. When they miss you therethey'll try to locate you, and they'll soon trail us to these bushes."

  Captain James Colden had his share of pride, and much faith inhimself, but he had nobility of soul, too.

  "I believe you implicitly, Mr. Willet," he said. "If it had not beenfor you and your friends the enemy would have been upon us when weexpected him not at all, and 'tis most likely that all of us wouldhave been killed and scalped. So, I thank you now, lest I fall in thebattle, and it be too late then to express my gratitude."

  It was a little bit formal, and a little bit youthful, but Willetaccepted the words in the fine spirit in which they were uttered.

  "What we did was no more than we should have done," he replied, "andyou'll pay us back. In such times as these everybody ought to helpeverybody else. Caution your soldiers, captain, won't you, not tomake any noise at all. The wolf will howl no more, and I fancy theirscouts are now within two or three hundred yards of the fire. I'm gladit's turned darker."

  The troop, hidden in the bushes, was now completely silent. ThePhiladelphia men, used to contiguous houses and streets, were notafraid, but they were appalled by their extraordinary position atnight, in the deep brush of an unknown wilderness with a creeping foecoming down upon them. Many a hand quivered upon the rifle barrel, butthe heart of its owner did not tremble.

  The moonlight was scant and the stars were few. To the city men treesand bushes melted together in a general blackness, relieved only by asingle point of light where the fire yet smoldered, but Robert,kneeling by the side of Tayoga, saw with his trained eyes the separatetrunks stretching away like columns, and then far beyond the fire hethought he caught a glimpse of a red feather raised for a moment abovethe undergrowth.

  "Did you see!" he whispered to Tayoga.

  "Yes. It was a painted feather in the scalp lock of a Huron," repliedthe Onondaga.

  "And where he is others are sure to be."

  "Well spoken, Dagaeoga. They have discovered already that the soldiersare not by the fire, and now they will search for them."

  "They will lie almost flat on their faces and follow, a little, thebroad trail the city men have left."

  "Doubtless, Dagaeoga."

  Willet had already warned Captain Colden, and the soldiers were ready.Tayoga was on Robert's right, and on his left was Black Rifle to whomhis attention was now attracted. The man's eyes were blazing in hisdark face, and his crouched figure was tense like that of a lion aboutto spring. Face and attitude alike expressed the most eageranticipation, and Robert shuddered. The ranger would add more lives tothe toll of his revenge, and yet the youth felt sympathy for him, too.Then his mind became wholly absorbed in the battle, which obviouslywas so close at hand.

  Their position was strong. Just behind them the thickets ended in acliff hard to climb, and on the right was an open space that the enemycould not cross without being seen. Hence the chief danger was infront and on the left, and most of the men watched those points.

  "I can see the bushes moving about a hundred yards away," whisperedTayoga. "A warrior is there, but to fire at him would be shooting atrandom."

  "Let them begin it. They'll open soon. They'll know by our absencefrom the fire that we're looking for 'em."

  "Spoken well, Dagaeoga. You'll be a warrior some day."

  Robert smiled in the dark. Tayoga himself was so great a warrior thathe could preserve his sense of humor upon the eve of a deadly battle.Robert also saw bushes moving now, but nothing was definite enough fora shot, and he waited with his fingers on the trigger.

  "The enemy is at hand, Captain Colden," said Willet. "If you will lookvery closely at the thicket about one hundred yards directly in frontof us you'll see the leaves shaking."

  "Yes, I can make out some movement there," said Colden.

  "They've discovered, of course, that we've left the fire, and theyknow also where we are."

  "Do you think they'll try to rush us?"

  "Not at all. It's not the Indian way, nor is it the way either of theFrench, who go with them. They know your men are raw--pardonme--inexperienced troops, and they'll put a cruel burden upon yourpatience. They may wait for hours, and they'll try in every manner towear them out, and to provoke them at last into some rash movement.You'll have to guard most, Captain Colden, against the temper of yourtroop. If you'll take advice from one who's a veteran in the woods,you'd better threaten them with death for disobedience of orders."

  "As I said before, I'm grateful to you for any advice or suggestion,Mr. Willet. This seems a long way from Philadelphia, and I'll confessI'm not so very much at home here."

  He crawled among his men, and Willet and Robert heard him threateningthem in fierce whispers, and their replies that they would be cautiousand patient. It was well that Willet had given the advice, as a fullhour passed without any sign from the foe. Troops even moreexperienced than the city men might well have concluded it was a falsealarm, and that the forest contained nothing more dangerous than abear. There was no sound, and Captain Colden himself asked if thewarriors had not gone away.

  "Not a chance of it," replied Willet. "They think they're certain of avictory, and they would not dream of retiring."

  "And we have more long waiting in the dark to do?"

  "I warned you. There is no other way to fight such enemies. We mustnever make the mistake of undervaluing them."

  Captain Colden sighed. He had a gallant heart, and he and his troophad made a fine parade through the streets of Philadelphia, before hestarted for the frontier, but he had expected to meet the French inthe open, perhaps with a bugle playing, and he would charge at thehead of his men, waving the neat small sword, now buckled to his side.Instead he lay in a black thicket, awaiting the attack of creepingsavages. Nevertheless, he put down his pride for the third time, andresolved to trust the four who had come so opportunely to his aid, andwho seemed to be so thoroughly at home in the wilderness.

  Another hour dragged its weary length away, and there was no sound ofanything stirring in the forest. The skies lightened a little as themoon came
out, casting a faint whitish tint over trees and bushes, butthe brave young captain was yet unable to see any trace of the enemy.

  "Do you feel quite sure that we're still besieged?" he whispered toWillet.

  "Yes, Captain," replied the hunter, "and, as I said, patience is thecommodity we need most. It would be fatal for us to force the action,but I don't think we have much longer to wait. Since they can't induceus to take some rash step they're likely to make a movement soon."

  "I see the bushes waving again," said Tayoga. "It is proof that thewarriors are approaching. It would be well for the soldiers to lieflat for a little while."

  Captain Colden, adhering to his resolution to take the advice of hisnew friends, crept along the line, telling the men in sharp whispersto hug the earth, a command that they obeyed willingly, as thedarkness, the silence and the mysterious nature of the danger hadbegun to weigh heavily upon their nerves.

  Robert saw a bead of flame among the bushes, and heard a sharp report.A bullet cut a bough over his head, and a leaf drifted down upon hisface. The soldiers shifted uneasily and began to thrust their riflesforward, but again the stern command of the young captain prompted bythe hunter, held them down.

  "'Twas intended merely to draw us," said Willet. "They're sure we'rein this wood, but of course they don't know the exact location of ourmen. They're hoping for a glimpse of the bright uniforms, but, if themen keep very low, they won't get it."

  It was a tremendous trial for young and raw troops, but they managedto still their nerves, and to remain crouched and motionless. A secondshot was fired soon, and then a third, but like the first they weretrial bullets and both went high. Black Rifle grew impatient. Thememory of his murdered family began to press upon him once more. Thenight was black, but now it looked red to him. Lying almost flat, heslowly pulled himself forward like a great wild beast, stalking itsprey. Colden looked at him, and then at Willet, who nodded.

  "Don't try to stop him," whispered the hunter, "because he'll goanyhow. Besides, it's time for us to reply to their shots."

  The dark form, moving forward without noise, had a singularfascination for Robert. His imagination, which colored and magnifiedeverything, made Black Rifle sinister and supernatural. The completeabsence of sound, as he advanced, heightened the effect. Not a leafnor a blade of grass rustled. Presently he stopped and Robert saw theblack muzzle of his rifle shoot forward. A stream of flame leapedforth, and then the man quickly slid into a new position.

  A fierce shout came from the opposing thicket, and a half dozen shotswere fired. Bullets again cut twigs and leaves over Robert's head, butall of them went too high.

  "Do you think Black Rifle hit his mark?" whispered Robert to Tayoga.

  "It is likely," replied the Onondaga, "but we may never know. I thinkit would be well, Dagaeoga, for you and me to go toward the left. Theymay try to creep around our flank, and we must meet them there."

  Willet and Colden approved of the plan, and a half dozen of the bestsoldiers went with them, the movement proving to be wise, as withinfive minutes a scattering fire was opened upon that point. Thesoldiers fired two rash shots, merely aiming at the reports and thegeneral blackness, but Robert and Tayoga quickly reduced them tocontrol, insisting that they wait until they saw a foe, before pullingtrigger again. Then they sank back among the bushes and remained quitestill.

  Tayoga suddenly drew a deep and very long breath, which with him wasequivalent to an exclamation.

  "What is it, Tayoga?" asked Robert.

  "I saw a bit of a uniform, and I caught just a glimpse of a whiteface."

  "An officer. Then we were right in our surmise that the French arehere, leading the warriors."

  "It was but a glimpse, but it showed the curve of his jaw and chin,and I knew him. He is one who is beginning to be important in yourlife, Dagaeoga."

  "St. Luc."

  "None other. I could not be mistaken. He is leading the attack uponus. Perhaps Tandakora is with him. The Frenchman does not like theOjibway, but war makes strange comrades. That was close!"

  A bullet whistled directly between them, and Tayoga, kneeling, firedin return. There was no doubt about his aim, as a warrior uttered thedeath cry, and a fierce shout of rage from a dozen throats followed.Robert, imaginative, ready to flame up in a moment, exulted, notbecause a warrior had fallen, but because the flank attack upon hisown people had been stopped in the beginning. St. Luc himself wouldhave admitted that the Americans, or the English, as he would havecalled them, were acting wisely. The soldiers, stirred by thesuccessful shot, showed again a great desire to fire at the blackwoods, but Robert and the Onondaga still kept them down.

  A crackling fire arose behind them, showing that the main force hadengaged, and now and then the warriors uttered defiant cries. ButRobert had enough power of will to watch in front, sure that Willetand Black Rifle were sufficient to guide the central defense. Heobserved intently the segment of the circle in front of them, and hewondered if St. Luc would appear there again, but he concluded that hewould not, since the failure of the attempted surprise at that pointwould be likely to send him back to the main force.

  "Do you think they'll go away and concentrate in front?" he askedTayoga.

  "No," replied the Onondaga. "They still think perhaps that they haveonly the soldiers from the city to meet, and they may attempt a rush."

  Robert crept from soldier to soldier, cautioning every one to takeshelter, and to have his rifle ready, and they, being good men, thoughwithout experience, obeyed the one who so obviously knew what he wasdoing. Meantime the combat behind them proceeded with vigor, the shotscrashing in volleys, accompanied by shouts, and once by the cry of astricken soldier. It was evident that St. Luc was now pushing thebattle, and Robert was quite sure the attack on the flank would sooncome again.

  They did not wait much longer. The warriors suddenly leaped from theundergrowth and rushed straight toward them, a white man now in front.The light was sufficient for Robert to see that the leader was notSt. Luc, and then without hesitation he raised his rifle and fired.The man fell, Tayoga stopped the rush of a warrior, and the bullets ofthe soldiers wounded others. But their white leader was gone, andIndians have little love for an attack upon a sheltered enemy. So thecharge broke, before it was half way to the defenders, and the savagesvanished in the thickets.

  The soldiers began to exult, but Robert bade them reload as fast aspossible, and keep well under cover. The warriors from new pointswould fire at every exposed head, and they could not afford to relaxtheir caution for an instant.

  But it was a difficult task for the youthful veterans of the forest tokeep the older but inexperienced men from the city under cover. Theyhad an almost overpowering desire to see the Indians who were shootingat them, and against whom they were sending their bullets. In spite ofevery command and entreaty a man would raise his head now and then,and one, as he did so, received a bullet between the eyes, fallingback quietly, dead before he touched the ground.

  "A brave lad has been lost," whispered Tayoga to Robert, "but he hasbeen an involuntary example to the rest."

  The Onondaga spoke in his precise school English, but he knew what hewas saying, as the soldiers now became much more cautious, andcontrolled their impulse to raise up for a look, after every shot.Another man was wounded, but the hurt was not serious and he went onwith his firing. Robert, seeing that the line on the flank could beheld without great difficulty, left Tayoga in command, and crept backto the main force, where the bullets were coming much faster.

  Two of the soldiers in the center had been slain, and three had beenwounded, but Captain Colden had not given ground. He was sittingbehind a rocky outcrop and at the suggestion of Willet was givingorders to his men. Oppressed at first by the ambush and weight ofresponsibility he was exulting now in their ability to check thesavage onset. Robert was quite willing to play a little to his prideand he said in the formal military manner:

  "I wish to report, sir, that all is going well on the southern flank.One of ou
r men has been killed, but we have made it impossible for theenemy to advance there."

  "Thank you, Mr. Lennox," said the young captain with dignity. "We havealso had some success here, due chiefly to the good advice ofMr. Willet, and the prowess and sharpshooting of the extraordinary manwhom you call Black Rifle. See him now!"

  He indicated a dark figure a little distance ahead, behind a clump ofbushes, and, as Robert looked, a jet of fire leaped from the muzzle ofthe man's rifle, followed almost immediately by a cry in the forest.

  "I think he has slain more of our enemies than the rest of uscombined," said Captain Colden.

  Robert shuddered a little, but those who lived on the border becameused to strange things. The constant struggle for existence hardenedthe nerves, and terrible scenes did not dwell long in the mind. Hebent forward for a better look, and a bullet cut the hair upon hisforehead. He started back, feeling as if he had been seared bylightning and Willet looked at him anxiously.

  "The lead burned as it passed," the lad said, "but the skin is notbroken. I was guilty of the same rashness, for which I have beenlecturing the men on the flank."

  "I caught a glimpse of the fellow who fired the shot," said Willet. "Ithink it was the Canadian, Dubois, whom we saw with St. Luc."

  "Tayoga saw St. Luc himself on the flank," said Robert, "and so thereis no doubt that he is leading the attack. The fact makes it certainthat it will be carried on with persistence."

  "We shall be here, still besieged, when day comes," said the hunter."It's lucky that the cliff protects us on one side."

  As if to disprove his assertion, all the firing stopped suddenly, andfor a long time the forest was silent. Fortunately they had water intheir canteens, and they were able to soothe the thirst of the woundedmen. They talked also of victory, and, knowing that it was only two orthree hours until dawn, Captain Colden's spirits rose to greatheights. He was sure now that the warriors, defeated, had gone away.This Frenchman, St. Luc, of whom they talked, might be a greatpartisan leader, but he would know when the price he was paying becametoo high, and would draw off.

  The men believed their captain, and, despite the earnest protest ofthe foresters, began to stir in the bushes shortly before dawn. Arifle shot came from the opposing thickets and one of them would stirno more. Captain Colden, appalled, was all remorse. He took the deathof the man directly to himself, and told Willet with emotion that alladvice of his would now be taken at once.

  "Let the men lie as close as they can," said the hunter. "The day willsoon be here."

  Robert found shelter behind the trunk of a huge oak, and crouchedthere, his nerves relaxing. He did not believe any further movement ofthe enemy would come now. As the great tension passed for a time hewas conscious of an immense weariness. The strain upon all thephysical senses and upon the mind as well made him weak. It was aluxury merely to sit there with his back against the bark and rest.Near him he heard the soldiers moving softly, and now and then awounded man asking for water. A light breeze had sprung up, and it hadupon his face the freshness of the dawn. He wondered what the daywould bring. The light that came with it would be cheerful anduplifting, but it would disclose their covert, at least in part, andSt. Luc might lead both French and Indians in one great rush.

  "Better eat a little," said Tayoga, who had returned to the center."Remember that we have plenty of food in our knapsacks, nor are ourcanteens empty."

  "I had forgotten it," said Robert, and he ate and drank sparingly. Thebreeze continued to freshen, and in the east the dawn broke, gray,turning to silver, and then to red and gold. The forest soon stoodout, an infinite tracery in the dazzling light, and then a white fleckappeared against the wall of green.

  "A flag of truce!" exclaimed Captain Colden. "What can they want tosay to us?"

  "Let the bearer of the flag appear first," suggested Willet, "and thenwe'll talk with 'em."

  The figure of a man holding up a white handkerchief appeared and itwas St. Luc himself, as neat and irreproachable as if he wereattending a ball in the Intendant's palace at Quebec. Robert knew thathe must have been active in the battle all through the night, but heshowed no signs of it. He wore a fine close-fitting uniform of darkblue, and the handkerchief of lace was held aloft on the point of asmall sword, the golden hilt of which glittered in the morningsunlight. He was a strange figure in the forest, but a most gallantone, and to Robert's eyes a chevalier without fear and withoutreproach.

  "I know that you speak good French, Mr. Lennox," said CaptainColden. "Will you go forward and meet the Frenchman? You will perhapsknow what to say to him, and, if not, you can refer to Mr. Willet andmyself."

  "I will do my best, sir," said Robert, glad of the chance to meetSt. Luc face to face again. He did not know why his heart leaped soevery time he saw the chevalier, but his friendship for him wasundeniable. It seemed too that St. Luc liked him, and Robert feltsure that whatever hostility his official enemy felt for the Englishcause there was none for him personally.

  Unconsciously he began to arrange his own attire of forest green,beautifully dyed and decorated deerskin, that he might not look lessneat than the man whom he was going to meet. St. Luc was standingunder the wide boughs of an oak, his gold hilted rapier returned toits sheath and his white lace handkerchief to its pocket. The smile ofwelcome upon his face as he saw the herald was genuine.

  "I salute you, Mr. Lennox," he said, "and wish you a very goodmorning. I learned that you were in the force besieged by us, and it'sa pleasure to see that you've escaped unhurt. When last we met thehonors were yours. You fairly defeated me at the word play in the valeof Onondaga, but you will admit that the savage, Tandakora, playedinto your hands most opportunely. You will admit also that word playis not sword play, and that in the appeal to the sword we have theadvantage of you."

  "It may seem so to one who sees with your eyes and from yourposition," said Robert, "but being myself I'm compelled to see with myown eyes and from our side. I wish to say first, however, Chevalier deSt. Luc, that since you have wished me a very good morning I even wishyou a better."

  St. Luc laughed gayly.

  "You and I will never be enemies. It would be against nature," hesaid.

  "No, we'll never be enemies, but why is it against nature?"

  "Perhaps I was not happy in my phrase. We like each other too well,and--in a way--our temperaments resemble too much to engender a mutualhate. But we'll to business. Mine's a mission of mercy. I come toreceive the surrender of your friends and yourself, since continuedresistance to us will be vain!"

  Robert smiled. His gift of golden speech was again making its presencefelt. He had matched himself against St. Luc before the great Leagueof the Hodenosaunee in the vale of Onondaga, and they had spoken whereall might hear. Now they two alone could hear, but he felt that thetest was the same in kind. He knew that his friends in the thicketsbehind him were watching, and he was equally sure that French andsavages in the thickets before him were watching too. He had no doubtthe baleful eyes of Tandakora were glaring at him at that very moment,and that the fingers of the Ojibway were eager to grasp his scalp. Theidea, singularly enough, caused him amusement, because his imagination,vivid as usual, leaped far ahead, and he foresaw that his hair wouldnever become a trophy for Tandakora.

  "You smile, Mr. Lennox," said St. Luc. "Do you find my words soamusing?"

  "Not amusing, chevalier! Oh, no! And if, in truth, I found them so Iwould not be so impolite as to smile. But there is a satisfaction inknowing that your official enemy has underrated the strength of yourposition. That is why my eyes expressed content--I would scarcely callit a smile."

  "I see once more that you're a master of words, Mr. Lennox. You playwith them as the wind sports among the leaves."

  "But I don't speak in jest, Monsieur de St. Luc. I'm not in commandhere. I'm merely a spokesman a herald or a messenger, in whichever wayyou should choose to define me. Captain James Colden, a gallant youngofficer of Philadelphia, is our leader, but, in this instance, I don'tfeel the need of
consulting him. I know that your offer is kindly,that it comes from a generous soul, but however much it may disappointyou I must decline it. Our resistance in the night has been quitesuccessful, we have inflicted upon you much more damage than you haveinflicted upon us, and I've no doubt the day will witness a battlecontinued in the same proportion."

  St. Luc threw back his head and laughed, not loud, but gayly and withunction. Robert reddened, but he could not take offense, as he sawthat none was meant.

  "I no longer wonder at my defeat by you in the vale of Onondaga," saidthe chevalier, "since you're not merely a master of words, you're amaster-artist. I've no doubt if I listen to you you'll persuade meit's not you but we who are besieged, and it would be wise for us toyield to you without further ado."

  "Perhaps you're not so very far wrong," said Robert, recovering hisassurance, which was nearly always great. "I'm sure Captain Coldenwould receive your surrender and treat you well."

  The eyes of the two met and twinkled.

  "Tandakora is with us," said St. Luc, "and I've a notion he wouldn'trelish it. Perhaps he distrusts the mercy he would receive at thehands of your Onondaga, Tayoga. And at this point in our dialogue,Mr. Lennox, I want to apologize to you again, for the actions of theOjibway before the war really began. I couldn't prevent them, but,since there is genuine war, he is our ally, and I must accord to himall the dignities and honors appertaining to his position."

  "You're rather deft with words yourself, Monsieur de St. Luc. Once, atNew York, I saw a juggler with balls who could keep five in the air atthe same time, and in some dim and remote way you make me think ofhim. You'll pardon the illustration, chevalier, because I really meanit as a compliment."

  "I pardon gladly enough, because I see your intentions are good. Weboth play with words, perhaps because the exercise tickles our fancy,but to return to the true spirit and essence of things, I warn youthat it would be wise to surrender. My force is very much greater thanCaptain Colden's, and has him hemmed in. If my Indian allies suffertoo much in the attack it will be difficult to restrain them. I'm notstating this as a threat--you know me too well for that--but to makethe facts plain, and to avoid something that I should regret as muchas you."

  "I don't think it necessary to consult Captain Colden, and withoutdoing so I decline your offer. We have food to eat, water to drinkand bullets to shoot, and if you care to take us you must come and doso."

  "And that is the final answer? You're quite sure you don't wish toconsult your superior officer, Captain Colden?"

  "Absolutely sure. It would waste the time of all of us."

  "Then it seems there is nothing more to say, and to use your ownfanciful way of putting it, we must go back from the play of words tothe play of swords."

  "I see no alternative."

  "And yet I hope that you will survive the combat, Mr. Lennox."

  "I've the same hope for you, Chevalier de St. Luc."

  Each meant it, and, in the same high manner of the day, they salutedand withdrew. Robert, as he walked back to the thickets in which thedefenders lay, felt that Indian eyes were upon him, and that perhapsan Indian bullet would speed toward him, despite St. Luc. Tandakoraand the savages around him could not always be controlled by theirFrench allies, as was to be shown too often in this war. His sensitivemind once more turned fancy into reality and the hair on his headlifted a little, but pride would not let him hasten his steps.

  No gun was fired, and, with an immense relief, he sank down behind afallen log, and by the side of Colden and Willet.

  "What did the Frenchman want?" asked the young captain.

  "Our instant and unconditional surrender. Knowing how you felt aboutit, I gave him your refusal at once."

  "Well done, Mr. Lennox."

  "He said that in case of a rush and heavy loss by his Indians heperhaps would not be able to control them in the moment of victory,which doubtless is true."

  "They will know no moment of victory. We can hold them off."

  "Where is Tayoga?" asked Robert of Willet.

  The hunter pointed westward.

  "Why, the cliff shuts off the way in that direction!" said Robert.

  "Not to a good climber."

  "Do you mean, then, that Tayoga is gone?"

  "I saw him go. He went while you were talking with St. Luc."

  "Why should Tayoga leave us?"

  "He saw another smoke against the sky. It was but a faint trace. Onlyan extremely keen eye would have noticed it, and having much naturalcuriosity, Tayoga is now on his way to see who built the fire thatmade the smoke."

  "And it may have been made by friends."

  "That's our hope."

  Robert drew a long breath and looked toward the west. The sky was nowclear there, but he knew that Tayoga could not have made any mistake.Then, his heart high once more, he settled himself down to wait.


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