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The Fight for Britannia V-Home Coming

Page 6

by Saxon Andrew

  Chapter Five

  Cami stayed with Joshua Goldman for a week and he released her. He had enough to keep him busy for the near future and said he’d contact her if she was needed. Britt had stayed with Cami during Joshua’s examinations and he said to her as they left the science center, “Are you ready to start the search?”

  “I guess.”

  “Alright, let’s get an early start in the morning around seven thirty.” I’ll contact Linda Kay and Sweets and tell them to meet us on the roof.” Cami nodded and boarded the transport with Britt.

  • • •

  The next morning the four boarded the military shuttle Grady had sent, and Cami asked as they lifted from the roof, “When do you want me to start?”

  “Now would be an excellent time. That way we’d be starting from the same place at the same time,” Britt answered. Cami went to the rear row of seats, closed her eyes, and began broadcasting her thoughts. Britt, Sweets, and Linda Kay heard her thoughts clearly. Britt flew the shuttle around New Britannia and at the end of the day, there had been no response to Cami’s plea for help.

  The second day ended with the same result; no one responded to Cami’s message. On the third day, Cami asked, “Are we wasting time? I mean Uncle RJ could be wrong.”

  “Is it possible they aren’t hearing you?” Linda Kay inquired.

  Cami shook her head vigorously, “I’m broadcasting loud enough for a dead telepath to hear me.”

  She turned to Britt and he shook his head, “What if we gave up on searching for that alien scout when nothing turned up initially. We don’t have anything planned so it’s too early to throw in the towel.” Cami sighed and went to the back row. Britt lifted the ship at seven thirty and started moving around the planet again.

  Cami continued her plea for help and at eight forty-five in the morning all four of them heard a loud voice in their minds, “HOW IS ANYONE SUPPOSED TO GET SOME SLEEP WITH YOU SCREAMING?!”

  Cami immediately stopped broadcasting her thoughts and then asked, “It’s a little late in the morning to be sleeping, isn’t it?”

  “Not if you don’t have to work!” the voice replied. “How about coming by here after ten tomorrow morning.”

  “You really shocked me,” Cami thought.

  “Why is that?”

  “I thought I was the only telepath on New Britannia and now I hear you.”

  “I felt the same way two days ago the first time I heard you, but I got over it. However, I can’t get over you constantly interrupting my sleep, so cut it out!”

  “I’m sorry! Tomorrow we’ll change our schedule; we won’t bother you before ten.” The voice was silent, and Cami asked, “Have you been listening to what I’ve been saying?”

  “How can I not?!”

  “And what do you think about it?”

  “Sister, someone is pulling your chain and you don’t know it.”

  “What do you mean by that?!”

  “This story about a threat to New Britannia is just a subterfuge to round up all the telepaths, if there are any more, and ship them off to be isolated from the normal ones on the planet.”

  “That’s ridiculous!”

  “It’s easier than you think to pull the wool over your eyes and use you as a tool to carry out their purposes.”

  Cami’s lips pursed, “Will you listen to what you just said and see how stupid it is?”

  The voice was silent for a few moments and they heard a mental chuckle, “I guess you’re right about that; you’d see their thoughts. But I believe everything you’ve been saying is nothing more than a fabricated story with no substance.”

  Cami sat with a frown on her face and then said, “Look at my mind!”


  “I’ve dropped my shield, look at my mind!” Cami waited and saw Britt, Sweets, and Linda Kay had concerned expressions. After a few minutes, Cami asked, “Have you seen enough?”

  “It does appear you are being honest about those aliens.”

  “Will you help us?”

  “I don’t know if I can do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Every time I’ve allowed a normal to see my talent, it’s always led to someone getting hurt. That someone is usually me.”

  “But if I don’t find enough telepaths to help us…”

  Cami’s voice trailed off and the voice said, “We all die.”

  Cami sighed, “Yes.”

  “Contact me tomorrow at this same time. I need some time to think about it.”

  “I thought you wanted me to wait until after ten?”

  “I’m usually up before eight; come at this time.”

  “Then why did you tell us not to come until ten?”

  “I wanted to see if you’d do it.”

  The voice disappeared and Cami turned to the others, “He’s put his defenses back up.”

  Sweets shrugged, “Well, as they say about fleas, where there’s one, there’s probably a lot more.”

  “Then why aren’t they responding to me!!”

  Britt hugged Cami, “They are, he’s the first one. We need to continue our trip around the planet.”

  Cami sighed and closed her eyes. A moment later, she opened her left eye, “I told you they could hear me.” Sweets and Linda Kay laughed out loud and Cami began her broadcast.

  • • •

  The next morning, the four arrived at the shuttle and were anxious at what might happen. They flew out over the giant Capital of New Britannia and arrived over another city at a quarter of nine. “Have you decided to join us?” Cami thought. She waited for a few moments and turned to Britt and said with anguish in her voice, “He’s decided not to help us!”

  “Boy are you impatient!!” the voice said.

  “Have you decided?”

  “I’m still struggling with the decision.”

  Britt said out loud, “Can you hear me?”

  “If she can hear you, I can hear you.”

  “Are you listening to my thoughts?” Cami asked.

  “You gave me permission yesterday. Do you want me to stop?”


  “You really are driven by this, aren’t you?”

  “I don’t want to see my family die.”

  The voice was silent for a very long moment and then they heard, “Tell you what I’m willing to do. I’ll come aboard your ship and you can take me to the leader of this little project she’s been screaming about. I’ll talk with them and make my decision.”

  Cami replied loudly, “YAY!”

  “Don’t get excited! If I decide I don’t want to participate, then I want your promise you will bring me back here and drop me off. I also want a promise you won’t try to find me if that happens.” Cami looked at Britt and he nodded. “Why are you looking at him for approval?”

  “He’s the one commanding this ship.”

  “Will you agree to my demand?”

  Britt responded, “We will, and I give you my word you will not be forced into doing anything you don’t want to do.”

  “Do you have the authority to make that decision?”

  “I do.”

  “Ok. How large is your ship?”

  “It’s sixty feet long.”

  “Well, you can’t land in the streets. There’s a small park in the center of the city and the side of the park closest to the commercial buildings is open enough for you to land there; I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  Britt looked up, “Computer, find a small park in the center of this city with an open space next to a row of businesses.” An image appeared on the monitor and they looked at it. “It’s just like he described. There are numerous trees everywhere except next to the street with that row of businesses.”

  Britt looked at the chronometer and waited for ten minutes before starting to descend. He went down slowly giving all the people under the shuttle time to move away. He opened the port and waited. No one moved toward the shuttle. Sweets unbuckled and stood up, “I’m going outs

  Cami stood up, “I’m going with you.” They stepped out of the shuttle and stared at the crowd gathering across the street from the shuttle. But no one was moving toward them.

  Sweets bent down and put her hands on Cami’s shoulders, “Don’t pressure him to do this, Cami. He has to decide on his own.”

  Cami looked past her and said, “He’s coming.” Sweets straightened up and turned around. A tall young man was walking toward them with a backpack slung over his shoulder. He stared at them and when he arrived next to them, Cami had her head craned back looking up at him, “You’re tall!”

  The young man smiled, “I think pretty much everyone within a mile of here would require you to look up at them. And you’re a lot younger than I thought.”

  “Are you coming with us?”

  The man blew out a breath and Sweets quickly said, “We’ll bring you back if you decide to do that!”

  He looked at her and raised a shoulder, “Lead the way.” Cami and Sweets entered the shuttle and Sweets expected him to turn around and run…but he didn’t.

  A young woman with filthy, tangled hair, was window shopping at a store across the street from the shuttle. She stared in the storefront’s glass and watched the tall man enter the shuttle on the window’s reflection. It lifted and she put her backpack over her shoulder and disappeared into the crowd.

  • • •

  Britt turned around in the pilot’s chair and smiled, “Thank you for agreeing to join us.”

  “I’ve not agreed to join you; I’ve only agreed to listen to what the leader of this outfit has to say.”

  Britt nodded, “Fair enough. My name is Britt, the dark-haired girl is Linda Kay and the girl that met you outside is Sweets. You already know Cami. What’s your name?”

  “Funny Man.”

  Britt’s brow instantly furrowed, and Linda Kay remarked, “Is that your name?”

  The young man turned to her, “It’s the only name I’ll answer to.” He turned back to Britt, “I want an assurance your promise will be kept before you lift this ship!”

  Brett stared at him and then turned and pressed a button on his panel. Grady appeared and the young man’s face showed his surprise. “You know the telepath I told you about yesterday.”

  “I do.”

  “He wants an assurance that if he decides not to help us that we will return him and not try to find him. He also wants to speak with you before he decides.”

  “I will keep your promise, Britt. He will not be coerced or forced to help us. Bring him home with you to have dinner with us after you complete your trip around New Britannia.”

  Sweets spoke up, “Tell Taffy that I will be joining you for dinner.”

  “I will as well!” Linda Kay shouted.

  Grady smiled, “I’ll tell her and contact your parents that you’re eating here.”

  “Thanks Dad.”

  The monitor went dark and the young man stared at Britt, “Am I correct in saying you are Grady Henricks’ son?”

  “Yes. And Cami is my sister.”

  The young man glanced at Sweets and said, “I would have thought she was your sister; she has the same color hair as Taffy Henricks.”

  Sweets waved a hand, “My mother is Taffy’s daughter.” The young man stared at her and turned to Linda Kay, “And that makes you?”

  “I’m Rory and Abby Dunhan’s daughter.”

  The young man rolled his eyes, “Holy Moly! I’m surrounded by the planet’s Royal Family.”

  Sweets laughed, “We’re certainly not royalty!”

  “You need to get out more!” the man replied. “That’s how everyone sees your family. What have I stepped into?”

  Britt said quickly, “Funny Man, I want you to look at my mind.”

  Sweets instantly said, “And you can look at mine as well.”

  “Me too!’ Linda Kay added.

  Funny Man looked at Sweets and said, “It is very ungentlemanly to look at a ladies’ mind.” He paused and turned to Britt, “But I’ll take a gander at yours.”

  They waited and after a few minutes Funny Man said, “You took a lot of heat for going after that alien scout.”

  Britt tilted his head, “I’d say you have no idea, but I know you do. I will promise you that your wishes will not be violated…no matter what!”

  Funny Man smiled, “I think I’m starting to like you. You don’t mind making the hard decisions.”

  “This decision is a no-brainer, Funny Man. We need you desperately, but our need will not trump our promise.”

  Funny Man sat down in one of the shuttle’s seats and sighed, “If you don’t mind, I’m going to get some shut-eye. I was up all night trying to decide what to do.” He sat down, reclined the chair, and pulled down the bill of his hat over his eyes. Britt looked at the hat and saw it had to be manufactured on New Melbourne. It was an outback hat made of leather with a wide brim. He wondered where he got it.

  Funny Man closed his eyes and wondered again why he agreed to go with them. He had already decided that he would not join them, no matter what. But he was neck deep into it now and he had to be careful working his way out of this mess.

  • • •

  They finally landed on the roof as the sun dropped below the horizon. Britt opened the port and followed the others out. He turned to Funny Man and smiled, “Come with me and we’ll freshen up before dinner.” They walked quickly toward the stairs and disappeared. Sweets and Linda Kay were holding Cami’s hands and when they disappeared down the stairs, Linda Kay turned to Sweets, “What’s going on?”

  Sweets turned to her, “What do you mean?”

  “You keep staring at him.”

  Sweets shook her head, “It’s his eyes.”


  “When he looks at you through those blue’s like he’s looking into your soul.”

  “He probably is; he is a telepath.”

  “I know! But it’s more than that. I can’t explain it.”

  “Well stop it! You’ll make him nervous!”

  Sweets sighed, “Ok, I didn’t know I was being obvious.”

  Cami looked up at her, “A blind man wouldn’t miss it.” Linda Kay laughed as they walked down the stairs.

  • • •

  Britt led the young man through a huge bedroom and into the bathroom. He stopped at the door and stared at Britt, “This bathroom is larger than most of the houses I’ve been in.”

  Britt shrugged and went to a huge vanity. He looked up and said, “Computer, wash hands.” He put his hands under the faucet and soap came out into his palms. It was followed by water until he removed his hands to lather them. He washed them thoroughly and put his hands back under the faucet. Water appeared again and continued until he removed them. Then a device on the vanity started blowing hot air and Britt dried his hands. He turned to Funny Man and said, “Your turn.”

  Funny man shook his head, “How does it feel to be this rich?” Britt’s brow furrowed as he said, “You are amazingly lucky to be this wealthy.”

  Britt raised his shoulders, “I never really think about it. It’s not what you have but who you have in your life that’s important.”

  “How do I do this?”

  “Just like I did.”

  Funny man looked up and said, “Computer, wash hands.”

  Britt said, “Put your hands under the faucet.” He put his hands under the faucet and soap was deposited on his hands followed by water. He finished washing his hands and Britt said, “Let’s go to the dining room and I’ll introduce you.”

  They walked through the bedroom and came to a complete stop outside the bedroom door. Britt looked at Grady and said loudly, “DAD! It was just supposed to be us!” The entire family was sitting around the dining room table. RJ, Candy, Abby, Rory, and the Henricks were all sitting around the table. Britt turned to Funny Man, “If you want to call this off, I’ll take you back to where we found you. I’m so sorry!”

  Funny Man waved a hand,
“We’re here, we’re dressed, we have a ticket, so we might as well dance.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Why the hell not?! I’m sure they’re pretty curious about me.”

  “Ok, but if you say leave, we’ll leave.” Funny Man followed Britt to the table and sat down beside him. Cami was sitting next to Taffy and smiled at him. Sweets and Linda Kay were sitting beside their parents and Taffy smiled, “I tried to tell them not to come but they showed up anyway. Please make yourself at home; you’re among friends.”

  Taffy put her hands together in front of her and said, “I’m serving dinner and perhaps we can get to know our guest while we’re eating.” She turned to Funny Man, “How do you like your meat cooked?”

  Funny Man looked at her, “What are you asking?”

  “How do you like your meat prepared?”

  “I’ve never eaten meat.”

  Taffy’s head went back, “Are you serious?”

  “I can never afford it.”

  Taffy stared at him and saw his discomfort. She said, “Bob, cook our guest’s steak like mine.” Taffy smiled and turned back to the guests, “Before you start barraging our guest with questions, treat him like one of us.” Taffy turned to him and asked, “What is your name?”

  He looked at Taffy and said, “My name is Funny Man.”

  Taffy frowned slightly, “That’s an odd name. Do you have a normal name?”

  “I do but I’ll only answer to Funny Man.”

  Taffy smiled, “I’m sure you have a reason for that; Funny Man it is.” Taffy made introductions and told him a little bit about everyone present. After she finished, she looked up and announced, “BOB, START SERVING DINNER!”

  Funny Man looked around for a servant and immediately jumped up out of his chair. His eyes were wide open staring at the giant robot coming out of the kitchen with arms filled with plates. Britt stood up and put his hand on his shoulder, “You have nothing to worry about. Bob and Robby are members of our family.”

  Funny Man nodded toward the robot and said, “I’d like to see the mother that delivered that!”

  Cami burst out laughing and, after a moment, the others joined in. Taffy smiled and said, “Bob, introduce yourself to Funny Man.”

  The robot rolled up and put a plate in front of him and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I hope you enjoy your meal and if you need anything, just let me know.”


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