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The Fight for Britannia V-Home Coming

Page 10

by Saxon Andrew

  “Tell her what?”

  “Do you find her attractive?”

  “Darling, I only have eyes for you. You’re the most beautiful woman I know!”

  Martha rolled her eyes and said to Grim, “He’s been trained well to always say what’s expected.” She turned back to Phil, “Is she attractive?!? Yes or no?”

  Phil glanced at Grim and shook his head before saying to Grim, “You’re attractive! Ok!”

  Grim stared at him with her eyes narrowed and Martha smiled, “Honey, you could hide in a burlap bag tied over your head and still be attractive. You just don’t understand what effect that has on men.”

  Grim stared at her and stood up, “Thank you for your time.”

  Martha smiled, “Any time.”

  Grim walked away and Martha turned to him, “She’s such a lost cause.” Phil nodded as he watched Grim walk out of the restaurant.

  • • •

  Grim went to her room and took off her boots. She threw herself on the bed and stared at the ceiling. She closed her eyes and saw her father’s snarling face. She opened them and then forced them closed again. She refused to focus on her father and tried to remember anyone that ever cared about her. Her mother’s face appeared and Grim was surprised; she hadn’t thought about her mother for years. But she remembered that her mother had placed herself between her father and her to protect her. It usually led to her getting beaten in her place, but she refused to stop. She remembered rocking on her mother’s lap on the front porch as she sang to her. She had a memory of her mother hugging her saying how much she loved her. Grim’s tears started. She had run away and left her mother alone with that monster. She suddenly remembered her mother’s sister, Aunt Christie, that took her on summer vacations to the beach. She hadn’t thought of her aunt in such a long time. Soon other faces filled her memory and she realized that she had locked all of them out of her consciousness; she only thought about the monster.

  She stood up and took off her uniform. She walked in the bathroom and stared at the mirror. Her black and brown tangled hair hung down to the small of her back; she never brushed it and seldom washed it. She stared at the mirror and shook her head, “Who are you?” She thought. She stared at her reflection and heard a small voice in the deep recesses of her mind, “Someone living in fear.” She lowered her head and refused to look at her reflection. She went to her bedroom and lay down. After a long struggle, sleep finally took her.

  The next morning early, Grim went into the bathroom, turned on the shower, opened a drawer, and took out a heavy pair of scissors. She turned the shower on to high pressure and stepped in. She stood under the spray with her eyes closed and then took the scissors, reached behind her, and started cutting off her hair at shoulder level. She cut savagely and finally felt her hair fall and hit her feet. She grabbed the shampoo and washed her hair. She suddenly smelled the hair laying in the shower; she stepped out of the shower and threw the long braid into the trash chute. She stepped back in the shower and washed her hair until the water no longer showed black. Then she washed her face with soap until the black in the water disappeared again. She finally turned off the water and put her hands against the wall. She lowered her head and wept.

  • • •

  She finally stopped crying and stepped out of the shower. She wiped the steam off the mirror and stared at the image on it. The reflection staring at her was a complete stranger. She reached back in the shower and grabbed the scissors. She washed them out in the shower’s spray and then went to the mirror. She started cutting her hair shaping it around her head. After a few minutes she looked at the reflection, “I still don’t know you. Who are you?” She stood there for a long time and heard a distant thought she wasn’t sure she heard, ‘Someone coming out of the darkness.’

  Grim stared at her reflection and sighed, “We must get to know each other.” She opened a drawer and took out an untouched makeup kit. She lifted a small brush and began.

  • • •

  Grim finished applying the makeup and dried her hair. She always thought her hair was black, but it wasn’t; it was a light brown. And her eyes weren’t green; they were hazel colored. She went into her bedroom and put on a uniform. She knew what she had to do, and she left her room and headed toward the Training Administrator’s office.

  Chapter Eight

  Grim arrived at the Training Admin’s office and knocked on the door. “Enter!”

  She stepped through the door and saw the Fleet Ensign looking over some computer forms. She walked up and said, “I need to take some days off.”

  The Ensign looked at her and shook his head, “The training regimen does not allow liberty Sir. I’m sorry but I can’t approve any time off.”

  “Who can approve it?”

  The Ensign stared at her and said, “Captain Dunhan has the authority.”

  “Please ask her if she will approve my request.”

  The Ensign stared at her and then lifted his communicator, “Sir, I have an issue in my office.”

  Sweets touched her communicator, “What is it?”

  “A Lieutenant is here asking to take some time off training. I’ve told her I don’t have the authority to approve her request and she asked for me to contact someone who can.”

  Sweets looked around the training room and saw everyone was focused on their computers. She said, “I’m on the way to your office.”

  “Thank you Sir.”

  Linda Kay looked at Sweets, “What’s up?”

  “One of the telepaths is requesting time off.”

  “Why? Where would they go?”

  Sweets shrugged, “I have no idea. I’m headed to discuss it with them.”

  “Do you mind if I tag along.”

  “Not at all.”

  They headed toward the elevators and Sweets said, “I was really worried when Grady promoted us to training Captains. I was worried that the telepaths wouldn’t respect us because we’re so young.”

  “Respect comes from many things, Sweets. One of them is that we know things they don’t.”

  Sweets nodded, “They’ve actually been quite respectful.”

  “Being related to the Henricks didn’t hurt.” Sweets smiled and nodded.

  • • •

  Sweets and Linda Kay arrived at the TA’s office and walked in. She noticed a woman sitting against the front wall and continued past her, “What’s the problem?”

  The Ensign nodded at the woman sitting against the wall, “Sir, Lt. Kessler is asking for some time off?”

  Sweets and Linda Kay turned around and the woman came to attention. “Why do you need to take some time off. Your training is so compressed that time off has been forbidden.”

  “Sir, I have a personal issue that I must handle now.”

  Sweets stared at the woman and shook her head slightly, “I haven’t seen you. Are you a new addition?”

  “No Sir. You have met me before.”

  “When did I do that Lt. Kessler?”

  “I was with the first four telepaths that agreed to join the program.”

  Sweets stared at the woman with narrow eyes and Linda Kay said, “GRIM?!”

  The woman nodded, “Yes Sir.” Sweets was stunned by the change. “My name is Charlotte Kessler, Sir.”

  “What is it that you feel you must do Lieutenant?”

  Charlotte looked Sweets in the eyes, “I must go and see my mother.”

  Sweets knew something dramatic had happened. She glanced at Linda Kay and saw her staring at Charlotte shaking her head. “When do you need to go?”

  “Immediately Sir.”

  “Why can’t it wait?”

  “Because I left her with that monster, and I must do something about it.”

  Sweets immediately understood what she was saying, and it explained a lot about who Grim had been. “Do you have a way to get there?” Sweets asked.

  “No Sir. I’m going to try and work that out.”

  Sweets looked at the TA, “I’m gra
nting her request for three days off.” She turned to Charlotte, “Would it be ok if I take you?”

  “I would greatly appreciate it Sir.”

  Linda Kay looked at Charlotte, “I’m coming with you.”

  Charlotte looked at her and said, “It could be dangerous Sir.”

  Linda Kay tilted her head, “Danger is my middle name.”

  Charlotte stifled a smile, “You are welcome to come. Thank you.”

  • • •

  They went to the elevators and arrived on the roof. Sweets walked up to the Day Officer and said, “Sir, I need you to assign me a shuttle.”

  “And you are?”

  “Training Captain Dunhan, Sir.”

  The major looked at his pad and then looked up, “Your name is not on my approved list. Your request is denied.”

  Sweet’s eyes narrowed and she stepped closer to the Major, “Perhaps you will call my father and ask him for permission.”

  “And just who is your father?”

  “Supreme Admiral RJ Dunhan!”

  The Major’s eyes flew wide open and he immediately said, “Take shuttle number forty-three. I’m sorry Captain.”

  Sweets glared at him and looked at his name plate. She turned and walked away with Charlotte and Linda Kay. “You were a little tough on him.”

  Sweets shook her head, “He’s a jerk and an egotistical jerk to boot. He could have asked us a few questions and saved himself a lot of grief.”

  Linda Kay tilted her head, “You really didn’t give him a lot of grief.”

  “Wait until I have him transferred to fleet armory. We don’t need an officer like him in command of our transportation.”

  • • •

  Sweets lifted the shuttle and said over her shoulder, “Where to?”

  “Head toward Greenwick,” Charlotte replied.

  “Isn’t that where we originally picked you up?”

  “It is. When you arrive at the tallest building in the center of the city, turn south.” Sweets nodded and pushed the thruster handle forward. The shuttle arrived over the city and Sweets turned south, “Where now?”

  Charlotte stood up from her chair, walked to stand beside Sweets, and stared out of the viewport. She stared for a long moment and then pointed at a huge building in the distance, “It has to be close to that plant.” Sweets flew in above the manufacturing facility and Charlotte stared at the ground behind it. After a moment, she pointed to the left, “There it is! It’s the small yellow house on the corner.”

  Sweets turned and looked at Charlotte, “Are you ready to do this?”

  “I have no choice.”

  Sweets nodded and landed the shuttle in the street in front of the faded yellow house. Charlotte turned and walked to the exit port and waited for it to open. Linda Kay was standing beside her and followed her out of the port. Charlotte stopped on the sidewalk leading up to the house and Sweets caught up to them. “What are you thinking?” Linda Kay asked.

  Charlotte shook her head, “That house is a chamber of horrors.” Charlotte took a deep breath, walked up the steps to the door and knocked on it. She immediately walked off the porch back to the sidewalk. Sweets saw she was trembling.

  A large man with black and grey hair opened the door and said from inside the screen door, “WHAT IN THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!”

  “I’m here to see Mrs. Kessler,” Charlotte replied.

  The man glared at them and replied, “She isn’t here!” Suddenly they heard a woman’s voice ask, “Who is it Jack?” The man turned his head to the side as he rolled his eyes in disgust. A woman appeared at the screen door and stared at the three women standing in her yard. Her eyes squinted and then flew wide open. She rushed out of the screen door, ran down the steps, and grabbed Charlotte with both hands, “YOU’VE COME HOME! I’VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!” The woman held on to Charlotte with tears running down her face.

  The man opened the screen door and stepped out. He stared at Charlotte with squinted eyes…and then he lowered his chin and smiled wickedly at her, “So you decided to come back you ungrateful bitch!” He opened the door and took a metal ball baseball bat in his hands. He stared at Charlotte and his expression showed something evil. “I’m going to give you the punishment I promised you before you ran away. Grace, get in the house!! NOW!!” Charlotte grabbed her mother and saw her fear.

  Sweets saw Charlotte’s expression was an equal measure of fear and rage. Linda Kay stepped in front of them confronting the man, “Sir, you need to put the bat away.”

  The man turned to Linda Kay and sneered, “You need to get off my property! No one tells me what to do in my home!”

  “Sir, put the bat away!”

  “Are you going to make me?”

  “If it comes down to that, I will. And you won’t like having it shoved up your backside if I do.”

  The man’s face turned red and he came down the steps in two quick steps. He raised the bat in his right hand and Linda Kay stood still watching him. He swung the bat at her head with a vicious swing and Charlotte screamed, “NO!”

  Linda Kay grabbed the man’s right arm with a stiff left arm and then turned and whipped her right arm up behind his elbow and slammed her forearm into the joint. Everyone heard a loud crack as the bat flew out of the man’s hands as Linda Kay pirouetted and slammed a flat left hand into the man’s chest sending him flying into the grass. He lay in the grass holding his injured arm moaning.

  Sweets lifted her communicator. “I require a security team at my location. An assault has taken place and needs to be investigated. Use my communicator’s signal to locate us.”

  The man stopped moaning and started cursing at the top of his voice. He used his good arm to get to his feet and he rushed Linda Kay swinging his left arm in a haymaker. Linda Kay ducked under it and delivered a vicious kick to his left knee. The man’s leg bent ninety-degrees as Linda Kay spun again but this time delivered a fist to the man’s sternum. He landed in the grass flat on his back and screamed in pain; his lower left leg was folded up under him.

  Sweets heard the sirens from the approaching Security Craft before she saw it. It came roaring in and two officers immediately exited the craft. A Lieutenant in the police force walked up and demanded, “What’s going on!”

  “That man tried to attack a Fleet Officer with the baseball bat laying next to the side walk. She defended herself and broke the arm swinging the bat. He refused to listen when told to put the bat away and continued his attack. Cap. Dunhan then incapacitated his leg.”

  The Officer looked at Charlotte, “Is this true?”

  Charlotte nodded, “Yes it is Officer. There is also something I want to say about what he did to me when I was a child. He started assaulting me and abusing me when I was five-years-old.”

  The Officer glanced at the man being attended by the other officer and turned back to Charlotte, “Is he your father?”

  Charlotte’s expression showed her disgust, “Yes.”

  The Officer turned to Charlotte’s mother, “And you are…?”

  “I’m his wife and this is my daughter.”

  “Is what she’s accusing him of doing to her as a child true?”

  “God forgive me for never doing anything to stop it but yes it’s true. She ran away to stop him from doing it.”

  The Officer had his pad out and recorded everything that was said, and he turned and walked over to the man, “Sir, you have the right to be silent and anything you say will be used in your trial.”


  “You will be tried for assaulting a Naval Officer as well as first degree child abuse.”


  “Sir, there is no statute of limitations on child abuse. I recommend you hire council; You’re going to need it.”

  Jack started screaming, “I’M GOING TO KILL BOTH OF YOU!!!”

  The officer said in a quiet voice, “I suggest you shut-up! I’m recor
ding your statements.” Jack’s mouth shut as he glared at Charlotte and his wife.

  Grace was weeping and Charlotte said, “The nightmare is over mother.”

  “What am I going to do?”

  “Why did you never leave him?”

  Grace looked into Charlotte’s eyes, “Where would I go?”

  Charlotte stared tenderly into her mother’s eyes, “You’re coming to live with me.”


  Charlotte looked at Sweets and said, “You’re living with me!” Sweets nodded slightly. Charlotte turned to her mother and put her arm over her shoulder. She led her toward the shuttle and helped her board. Sweets looked at Linda Kay and shook her head, “I really hate that I didn’t go with you and Britt to those martial arts classes.”

  “You snooze, you lose.”

  Sweets laughed, “You were truly remarkable back there.”

  Linda Kay smiled, “Piece of cake; he wasn’t much.”

  • • •

  Sweets got on the communicator and when they arrived at the hotel the Commander of Hotel operations greeted them on the roof. He greeted Charlotte and her mother with a smile, “I’ve ordered your quarters changed to a two-bedroom suite. We’ve moved your things to the new room and if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to your new quarters.”

  Charlotte turned to Sweets and Linda Kay, “Thank you.”

  “Are you all right?” Sweets asked.

  “For the first time I can remember, I am.” She turned to Linda Kay, “You were right the first day I met you.”

  Sweets laughed, “She never kids about her talent.”

  “I see him now for what he is; he’s nothing more than a sick bully. I’ll never forget this.”

  Sweets said softly, “Take two days to settle in with your mother before going back to training.” Charlotte hugged her then took her mother’s hand and followed the Hotel Commander into the hotel.

  • • •

  That evening, Charlotte and her mother went to Phil and Martha’s table and asked to join them. After they left Phil turned to Martha, “She’s not quite the lost cause we thought she was. It was you that made the difference.” Martha nodded absently and watched Charlotte and her mother leave the restaurant. “Are you remembering again?” Martha jerked her head back to Phil. “Focus on how much our family and I love you.” Martha smiled, leaned forward, and kissed him.


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