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Royal King of Loyal Kin: Book of Poetry

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by H. Xavier


  Royal King of Loyal Kin

  Book of Poetry

  By H. Xavier

  This is a work of fiction, all characters appearing in this work are ficticious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright by H. Xavier 2013 ©

  I.Prelude To A Heart; Awaketh.

  What is this feeling that causes thy heart to excite? Surely must be a feeling derived from the vicinities once resting within it. Glimmering is thy heart so that I cannot sheathe away this great wondrous feeling; feelings depicted in a mirage of beauty and everything the world related to such. Never to contemplate nor regret every time have I seen thou, exquisite manifestation of flesh and blood. If it were not for time that taketh away such admirable sight that is thou presence decorated in awe-inspired beauty. Yet it is never sufficient the times I layeth beside thou, for it is thy love that does not cease to shun thou away, rather it be responsible for thy restless nights under gleaming stars. Remnant thoughts of thou smile, thou enchanting eyes, from where I be cursed submissively under, the sweet aroma protruding from thou desirable physique, a temple of Eden. Wither not be thy love for thou, wither not be thy testament of passion dedicated to thou. And hindered will not be thy heart to yearn for thou that longs for thou presence, as it is thou embodiment that creates a realm of endless lust. Lust that cannot be contained amongst the hearts of men nor of deities, as it is without shame a mighty force to be praised under the cognizant psyche of an aphrodisiac throne attainable through harmony and mere understanding of the universal creation of love. To not love is to not give, it is a death of joy refused to ever live. Plundering via a voyage that exhibits expulsing and pulsing rushes of gasps and swift breaths of life through thy body and soul, I oath to hold thou close to thee against raging storms and cold winters that emit like ether. The avaricious desire to be enamored of thou is the will to go onward with sword in hand and ensue thyself in a war to conquer thou. If to an heir of a throne be non-existent a beautiful queen, such pointless shall it be to thirst for that which compensates a ruling of nations. Such power to give the greatest gift of God will be lost, will be forgotten amidst a road blooming of trepidations and turmoil, provided will not be the rising sun full of youth, provided will not be the descending moon withered of age. Share, care, shall I dare to ail thou heart of suffering and pain, shall I unsheathe thy sword and pierce thy own, for it is thou thy queen, that belongs with thee: The Royal King Of Loyal Kin.

  II.Trickling Emotions Of Thy

  Trickling emotions of thy, trickling emotions I would long to die

  Palpitations without a pause my heart emit, palpitations that love be born as my precious gift

  Dread does not exist in thy heart for it is engulfed in love, dread is slay by a white majestic dove

  If giveth a piece of thy heart to thou cherish it forever, if giveth a piece of thy heart to thou do not abandon the such amongst the never

  Trickling emotions of dying lust, trickling emotions charmed with a vivid dusk

  The end of betrayal shall not be nigh, the beginning of passion shall not forbid a sigh

  To abandon all hope is to invite pain one cannot cope, to welcome joy is to be valiant and never coy

  Fear is all but a feeble thought, fear is nothing but battles not fought

  Heed my plea for thy love I beg, heed my sea of emotions so that my heart is fed

  Trickling emotions of thy, trickling commotions of love I cannot defy

  Wither a heart be fated if not giveth comfort, wither a soul if not cherished as it will stumble

  Charmed must I be to your dreamy body and spirit, disgusted must thou be of shy mannerisms I always inhibit

  Perhaps it is fate to intertwine two fervent lovers with one another, perhaps it is cruel disguise grasping our hands into a ill-fated path of cold slaughter.

  III.Treasures From The Flesh

  Open eyes, my windows from where thou everlasting beauty of essence is always present, depict a gem worth more than kingly riches sight desirable by many men non-callous and anxious. To taste thy lips, warm and moist, ears be witness of thou serene voice. To embrace and smell the sweet aroma escaping from thy mane, never the same thy growing love that thy heart utterly fails to tame. Such shame to not be at your feet as I yell and admit defeat, stares not to ever deceit a love that manifests in thy heart countless breathless beats. Hand thou heart to thee, for thy love for thou will never flee, to see as one the wonders of the Earth, the morning visage in its exquisite birth. To paint the portrait of the very core of our passion over a morbid blight, seek the light to engulf us together and be freed of spite, a level of reason, to be beside thou all four seasons, thy heart calls for thou my love so listen: Become my other half for thy benevolent behalf, grasp thee firm within thy arms in this life and in the other, thy presence not existent shall lead thee to insanity’s border, thus thy warmth manifested from thy aura of harmony wields might to slay thee of antagonizing agony. Sheathe away fears of an adventure, a voyage, in which thou are layeth beside thee. Untie thee of doubt, disregard a doubt ever residing within thee, give thee everything, give thee all, rise thee to a realm for thy sake, and never let thee fall.

  IV.Forbidden Fruit Of Dire

  Thy sin to lust for flesh that is not of thy own hath become thy putrid emotion within thee. Long do I lust for thou plump lips, words of serenade through them taketh my breath away every second of escapade. Shunned shall thy heart be for thou if thou giveth thee a blessing from Heaven by becoming thy love. Surrendered at weary knees, thy sacrifice that thou guardian of thou heart shall not giveth thou more than thee, for it is thy love much more than of his own. Teeths of fury, rabid dog do I becometh if just a mere thought of him caressing thou, tasting what I so yearn deeply within a dwelled emotion inside thy soul; thy soul I shall sacrifice for thou: Thy soul driven to attain that which does not belong to thee. It is a malevolent wish inside thee that does not depict through thy eyes a plunder of joy if it were not of thy own, hence shall I enjoy his departure from beside thou. I am like a boy in need of thou warmth, care, and embrace, in where such embrace shall I protect and cherish; it is an oath that will not perish. Selfishly-derived to shatter what thou and him have constructed, driven by thy own desire of thou, it is thy curse that haunts my psyche, its abandonment unlikely, never weary and forever persistent till it is satisfied. So I shall pursue thou heart and thou body without slumber, with a vision of fulfilled joys and wondrous plunders, my cries of rage like striking thunder, to make thou thy eternal precious wonder.

  V.Passionate Intuitions

  Hath the ache of not having thou near be the ultimatum of thy soul shatter within thy heart, then by God’s brilliant eyes would I beg to die. I cope not that heart slay that strike thee upon a mighty staff of deities, thou not beside me. Tis what I feel, tis what I breathe. Escape with thee to a realm where thou are everlasting thy queen, embrace thee and do not ever depart for without thou I shall befall. Paradisum blooming of angels are of great envy to thou, the bleeding beauty thou existence emits and nor ever wanes, the sweet fruit that shuns all pains. Taketh thy love and forever etch it across the tales of romance oh thy queen of queens.

  VI.Eden’s Dame

  With the will of a heart one loves, one embraces

  One flies high as doves, one appraises

  With the oath of a heart one sacrifices the soul

  With the oath of a heart one expulses the wind cold

  Yet none cannot be given to misfortune, not to neglect

  Not to impostors that heartless deject

  That what makes a warrior of pain hath more to gain

  Are mementos of anguish that flirted with a mind nearly insane

  Admire the Eden’s Dame, carriers of cherish

  Carriers of flowers that slain not thou to perish

  Admire the Eden’s Dame, thou gem of the sea’s depth

  Thou companion of life till last breath of thou death

  VII.Amorous Desire

  Let the veins that carry thy red blood, velvet seas so shameless obsessed with thou, lusting pain that thou cause in thy heart, piercings of a thousand darts, spill across the soil if thou not believe the yearning of thee of thou flesh, thou breath, I cannot cope of not intruding thou nest to caress thou soft breasts. Devour thou is thy precious desire, thou entire body ignites thee like fire. So as a fool begs for wits, I beg to thou to love thee so I could kiss thou moist lips, press thyself with force against thou lavishly hips. Till waning might shall I oblige to derive thou of shy, make thou body only for thee, do whatever desire thy heart inquires to please. Nevermore defy thee, but rather welcome thee, not to plea of freedom from what I giveth, because what I always have for thou is eternally vivid.

  VIII.Forbidden Fruit Of Dire II

  The love thou so much swear to have for his petty soul, tis all a lie to refrain thou real emotion. Lean not to his bed, but flee to thee for that is

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