Trapped Inside Humanity

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Trapped Inside Humanity Page 12

by Bernice Burgos

  “Chum Chum is my teacher.”

  Angel looked at Anu as he shrugged his shoulders. “The children are taken care of. Chum Chum is my head of servants. He makes sure everything functions accordingly in my household,” answered Anu.

  “Is he a V?” Angel asked.

  “Oh, God, no,” Anu chuckled. “I would never leave the children with a V. They wouldn’t learn anything from those dummies. Chum Chum is a demon,” he said proudly.

  “What! You leave my children in the care of a demon? Are you insane?” replied Angel immediately, feeling the rush of pain again in her head.

  “It was either my trusty demon or my trusty witch. The demon worked better; he is smarter and works well with children,” Anu responded happily. “Besides, Chum Chum and Keiko have taken an interest in little Maggie here. She is special and so is Jesse. But Maggie is more interesting. We play favoritism here when it comes to the supernatural. No offense to you, Jesse.”

  “None taken,” replied Jesse, casually.

  Maggie tugged on Angel’s wings and held out a feather. “Mommy, can I keep it?”

  “Yes honey, keep it and save it.”

  “Thank you,” Maggie happily said.

  Jesse stared at Angel, not knowing what to say. He awkwardly smiled; it was his sign of relief that his mother was not dead.

  “Mommy, look what I can do,” Maggie interrupted.

  She pointed to Sammy and he began flailing his arms up and down. Angel looked in amazement.

  “Are you doing that?” she questioned.

  Sammy was moving involuntarily and getting annoyed. Anu walked over to Maggie and placed his hand on her shoulder,

  “Now, Maggie, that is not how we treat Sammy; remember, he is our friend.”

  “Ohhhh, I wasn’t hurting him, Master Anu, I promise. I just wanted to show Mommy my cool trick,” said Maggie.

  Angel couldn’t believe her eyes. She had so many questions and wanted to know how long Maggie has had powers. Was Maggie a full/half-angel?

  “But not on Sammy,” Anu reiterated politely.

  “Yes, sir,” Maggie replied sadly as she laid her head on Angel’s shoulder.

  Anu turned to Angel. “As you can see, your children are safe.” He clapped his hands. The guards walked in to retrieve the children.

  “Maggie, it is music time with Chum Chum; and Jesse, karate is beginning,” said Anu.

  “Yeahhh, music time! Mommy, you have to come watch me play. Chum Chum says I’m a natural” said Maggie excitedly.

  “Sounds wonderful, Maggie.”

  Maggie and Jesse both kissed Angel on the cheek and departed with the guards. Maggie happily skipped away holding the feather she plucked. Angel stared at the children and felt her heart drop. Master Anu had her full attention, and he used every trick up his sleeve to make Angel remember who, and what, she is. Angel retracted her wings out of sight. They easily slid inside her shoulder blades and quickly reverted back to a tattoo. She slid the robe on properly and tied the belt into a perfect bow. She held on to the black-rimmed glasses although she didn’t need them anymore.

  Anu looked at Angel, astonished.

  “I never knew you can make your wings disappear and still remain in your Angel body.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me. Make sure you add retraction of wings to your research,” replied Angel.

  Anu, without a doubt, was taking mental notes.

  Without thinking twice, Angel knelt in front of Master Anu and humbly made a request.

  “Master Anu, I will serve you during our rightful fight for power. We shall work together to hunt our common enemy. When we succeed, I ask for my people to be released from your supernatural world. Shall we fight together as one, then part in peace for good.”

  Master Anu grinned heavily; having Angel kneel and concede was a sign of sincere loyalty. In his studies, he read the angels never join forces unless the circumstances are crucial. If they kneel, it is their promise that they will carry out the plan to the end, or to the death. “I grant your wish, Queen. We shall work together as one and part in peace. Please rise.” Angel rose and watched Keiko and Sammy both kneel down to Master Anu.

  “I can take it from here. You both did excellent work, dismissed,” Sammy and Keiko both rose. Sammy walked away, but Keiko stayed for a few seconds longer.

  “Father where shall I place Angel, back inside her cell?”

  “No, Keiko. No Queen stays in a cell; she is our guest. She will be given our master suite in the top quarter. Make sure Chum Chum appoints someone to escort her.”

  “Yes, father,” Keiko nodded her head then disappeared through the rear door.

  Anu grabbed Angel’s shoulder and pulled her in front of him. “You must feel free, my Queen?” he asked.

  “Queen?” Angel questioned the term.

  “Why do you keep calling me Queen? I am known on Earth as the Guardian of Eden and Earth,” she schooled.

  “Not according to my studies. My research has shown that the true celestial and overseer of Earth will be a woman, known as the Queen Guardian of Earth.”

  Angel thought for a moment, “Where did you find that information?”

  “I used to have a little black book; it was mysteriously delivered to me during one of my travels. It was all about humans, the angels, and a place called Eden. I was drawn to it. That book helped me understand that in order to win my fight I needed to find the Queen.”

  “Did this book have a golden string around it”

  “Yes! How did you know? Have you read the same book?”

  Angel knew the book all too well.

  “The book is mine, given to me by my uncle. Where is it?” she demanded, hoping he had the book in his possession.


  “What do you mean?” she implored.

  “How it magically appeared, is how it magically left. Believe me, I’ve searched everywhere for it to no avail,” Anu answered, disappointed.

  Angel turned away, not wanting to entertain the thought; but she couldn’t help the feeling that she was meant to meet Master Anu. She knew Anu was a true Master of power and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He’s intelligent, powerful, cunning, and maybe even manipulative. He is respected and loved by his people, and she needed to learn from him. She wanted to have the same respect and love by her kind when she united with them.

  She was away for far too long and required his help more than he needed hers. Angel worried about finding her people; and if she did, how would they react when they see her again? Hopefully, none of them has lost their faith. She was relieved to be back and mentally praised Anu for bringing her back.

  All Hail Master Fucking Anu, she thought.


  Angel & Anu

  Angel wasn’t sure how long it was going to take her and Anu to attack the Leaders. She and the children had been in the mansion on the remote island for six months. Anu had Chum Chum, his trusty demon head servant, contact Angel’s job and quit on her behalf. It was not an easy conversation for Angel to listen to, especially since she loved her job so much. Chum Chum called her boss posing as her lawyer. He explained to them that Angel fell extremely ill with a rare disease and wouldn’t be returning. She didn’t realize how valuable she was to the company until her boss went as far as to say they would pay her entire medical expenses for as long as she needed. Chum Chum clarified there was no need. Angel’s boss, Mr. Lee, asked if he could send flowers and if she could have visitors. He was turned down again.

  “I don’t understand. Angel is like family to us and we can’t even see her?” asked Mr. Lee, concerned and confused.

  “No, you cannot see her,” answered Chum Chum directly.

  “She has investments here at G&S, her 401K, and pension. Angel has to contact our HR department in regard to her leave benefits. She doesn’t have to quit; we do offer medical leave. We can offer it to her for as long as she needs.”

  “Angel is taking a leave sir, but a p
ermanent one. Returning to work is not an option for a person in her condition.” Silence echoed back on the phone; Angel heard a sigh. She tried to read the expression on Chum Chum’s face as he held the receiver waiting for Mr. Lee to respond, but his face was blank and hard to read. She couldn’t feel Chum Chum’s emotions; they were difficult to detect. He was, of course, one of Master’s many collectibles; she wasn’t surprised that she couldn’t read him like an average human. It disturbed Angel that she could not discern what was going through Chum Chum’s mind.

  “Mr. Chum,” began Mr. Lee. “Please understand that this is a difficult time for us. Losing Angel is not like losing a regular employee. She is someone we cherish and value as a human being, friend, and colleague. Not being able to see her again is a difficult pill for us to swallow.”

  “Understood, Mr. Lee,” replied Chum Chum, unfazed by his words. Silence hit again.

  “Mr. Chum, how about if we provide Angel with a nice severance package?”

  Chum Chum thought for a second before responding curiously, “How much?”

  “$100,000,” replied Mr. Lee.

  Chum Chum rolled his eyes and smirked. He was through listening to the human on the other end of the phone. He was about to hang up on Mr. Lee for making a ridiculous offer, but he decided to entertain it instead. Chum Chum was great at many things and negotiating was one of his specialties.

  “Mr. Lee, that is an insult to someone who is valuable to your prestigious company and who you claim is like ‘family.’ You spent 20 minutes on the phone with me praising Angel, explaining her worth, and convincingly sounding concerned. I must assure you that I am not only Angel’s attorney, but I am also her proxy. I am here to make the right decisions for her and her family in case things get rough. Knowing that her children will be taken care of throughout their entire lives is my top priority. I’ve seen her investments and, quite frankly, they exceeded the amount of the severance of which you speak. This makes me question the type of manager you are, Mr. Lee. What executive would steal from their most ‘valuable’ employee during her most vulnerable time?”

  “Steal???” questioned Mr. Lee, shockingly.

  “Yes, steal! You are robbing her of the severance package she clearly deserves.”

  Mr. Lee remained mute.

  Angel sat in the room watching ChumChum speak to her boss with determination. She couldn’t help but question Mr. Lee’s executive power. Is he going to cave in and offer more money, or is he going to wish me a nice life and hang up? she thought. Mr. Lee was not generally one to show weakness during negotiations. He was a man who got what he demanded; maybe this time he met his match.

  “Let me answer that for you, Mr. Lee. Only a snake, a slithering coward would dare insult and steal from its most prized possession. Are you that slithering snake, Mr. Lee? Are you that executive hiding dirty secrets and stealing from those who have watched your back since day one? Tell me, Mr. Lee, how do you sleep at night?”

  “No! This is absurd Mr. Chum. How dare you insult me; you don’t know me.”

  Angel could hear Mr. Lee shouting. Yelling is something she had never witnessed him do during her entire employment at G&S. Mr. Lee was always calm and extremely level headed. It was clear Chum Chum had hit a nerve.

  “Mr. Chum I do not know who the hell you think you’re talking to, but you have me mistaken for…

  “For whom?” Chum Chum interrupted. “Mr. Lee, I’ve only mistaken you for someone who was a caring person because that is the impression I received from Angel. However, in speaking with you I make no mistakes when I say that you do not value your employees.” Chum Chum’s words were said with passion and much sternness.

  “No, no. You are wrong!” retorted Mr. Lee angrily. “I am not sure of the number of Angel’s investments, but I can give her a severance package double that amount. I can have it transferred to her children in a trust fund. We are willing to make this donation to her children on behalf of the company. Just name your price, Mr. Chum.”

  Chum Chum smiled in triumph. Angel watched, surprised. Truthfully, she didn’t want the money.

  “Thirty-one million dollars,” said Chum Chum. “That’s a great number, Mr. Lee. That will more than help the kids through their life journey.” Angel’s mouth dropped; on the other hand, she definitely wanted the money.

  “Done!” replied Mr. Lee without hesitation.

  “Excellent. You will be receiving a UPS package from me soon, Mr. Lee. Enclosed will be Angel’s keys, access codes to her computer, a drive containing client files, her resignation letter, and one letter of demand.

  “A letter of demand” asked Mr. Lee, surprisingly.

  “Yes, a letter of demand. It’s her last wish from the company, and we are hoping you will honor it.

  “Anything for Angel,” replied Mr. Lee.

  “Her demand is for her assistant, Cynthia Ross. Cynthia is to remain with the company, receive a pay raise salary to $100,000 a year, and a $20,000 bonus this Christmas.

  “Consider it done,” stated Mr. Lee, again with no hesitation. Chum Chum smiled brightly and gave Angel the thumbs up when her demand for Cynthia was approved. She smiled enthusiastically, clapping her hands together silently.

  “Is there anything else, Mr. Chum.”

  “No, Mr. Lee, I sincerely thank you for your time.”

  “Mr. Chum, before you go, please let Angel know we love her and miss her dearly. Her family here at G&S are all praying for her,” stated Mr. Lee sincerely.

  “Certainly,” replied Chum Chum.

  In that long-winded moment, that was the end of Angel’s career and the end of her human life as she knew it. She held back tears, thinking about how everything she worked so hard for was being put behind her to start a new journey. Master Anu had her house and car sold, all her belongings trashed, and the kids taken out of school. Everything had vanished, even Jesse’s football dreams. Now the kids were being homeschooled; and instead of giving financial advice, she was plotting an evil plan with a V to save the world. Things sure did change overnight.

  Angel stared at Chum Chum; he smiled and patted her on the back. “Welcome to being thirty million dollars richer,” he said.

  “Thank you; but seriously, do I really need that kind of money?” replied Angel.

  Chum Chum gasped, clutching his collar playfully, “Oh, honey, we all need rainy day money. Understand, my little Queen, no one likes a broke leader. If you’re going to rule something, at least have the money to back you up.”

  Chum Chum patted Angel on the head with his perfectly-manicured hand, “You’ll learn, sis,” he added as he walked off grabbing his Louis Vuitton leather satchel from a chair.

  Angel did admire one thing about Chum Chum, his taste in fashion and accessories. Even though all the servants had to wear all black, Chum Chum always found a way to bedazzle his uniform and stand out from the rest. He would often wear shiny cufflinks, a variety of black hats on his bald head, colorful rhinestones on the side of his black slacks, or carry a stylish satchel or ‘man purse,’ as Angel liked to call it. His footwear was always leather and made to perfection. It didn’t matter the weather or the time of day, he remained one stylish demon in a human body.

  Angel hung on Chum Chum’s last words. After all, he was right. What ruler would be given authority without having any money? How tasteless, she thought. Angel looked around the room where she was standing. Italian leather couches, plush white rugs, and expensive oak tables. Yes, Master Anu was a filthy-rich leader.

  During the past six months, she spent plenty of time with Master Anu. He insisted they were not ready to attack the Leaders. Angel was not sure if he was keeping her around because he enjoyed her company or if he truly thought they were not ready. She didn’t understand what accounted for “not being ready.” She already knew how to fight. She spent her entire young adult life training to battle and outsmarting the evil that lurked in the shadows. How were the Leaders any different? In her mind, she figured they would run int
o the Leaders’ home, guns blazing. However, Master Anu made it clear that their plan had to be foolproof, nothing could go wrong. The Leaders were always ten steps ahead of their enemies.

  Everyone ate dinner together at 6:00 pm sharp every night. Even though Master Anu never ate actual human food, he enjoyed the fresh virgin blood that was given to him daily by a young donor. Everyone else who could eat human food ate the feast that was prepared by his human chefs. The menu was different on most nights, and the overload of food was enough to feed a party of twenty. Angel spent as much free time as she could with Jesse and Maggie, and she often interrupted Maggie’s “learn my power” classes with Keiko. She truly disliked Keiko and didn’t trust her one bit. She despised how Keiko genuinely adored Maggie.

  Keiko would often disappear for the majority of the day. When she returned, she would come bearing gifts, always for Maggie. Books, hair accessories, nail polish, shoes, ballet outfits, and that was just to name a few. Each time Angel visited Maggie, it was “Keiko taught me this, and Keiko bought me that, and blah blah…Screw Keiko, was always her first thought. Instead, Angel often smiled and tried to change the subject. She was jealous and felt she had every right to be. That was her little girl. She didn’t belong to the ancient female assassin. Maggie belonged to Angel, and that’s how she wanted to keep it.

  Angel learned a few things about her son Jesse while Master Anu was running his experiments. Anu took blood samples from Jesse to test for any linkage of him carrying a supernatural gene. He was fascinated in studying the reasons behind Jesse’s strength and his ability to process and apply information quicker than the average human mind. He learned karate a few months ago and was already excelling at a faster pace for a beginner.

  “I don’t understand Jesse,” said Anu one day while looking in his microscope. Angel was sitting across from Anu holding a sharp scalpel, pretending to cut into an imaginary steak. She was feeling a bit hungry, and the taste of a salt and pepper medium rare steak was all she could think about.


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