Trapped Inside Humanity

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Trapped Inside Humanity Page 13

by Bernice Burgos

  “What do you mean?” she replied.

  “I don’t understand the cells I’m looking at. He’s human, but there is something more. Something I haven’t seen. I may need to go into my archives for this.”

  “Is he a supernatural, like us?” she asked curiously.

  “It’s hard to tell; there is something faintly there trying to show its face. It could be what’s giving him the genius gene and super strength,” said Anu.

  “Jesse reminds me of my brother Castus growing up. Smart, strong, and fearless, except, Jesse has the upper hand on the looks department,” she wisecracked.

  “Where is your brother? Is he on Earth, with you?”

  “No, he’s dead. I don’t really want to talk about it,” she stated feeling a bit dismal.

  Angel put down the scalpel and changed the subject. “Maybe it hasn’t developed yet; the supernatural gene. He’s only seventeen, or maybe he is just an extraordinary human.”

  “No human is like Jesse. He has looks, brains, and athleticism. Most humans can acquire maybe one or two out of the three, but never all of them. I’ll keep running my tests. There has to be an explanation. At first, I was thinking there was a trace of V, but he’s way too smart,” said Anu, jokingly.

  “Wait, your species can impregnate humans?” asked Angel curiously.

  “No, we cannot; but we can impregnate another supernatural depending on the ability of her reproductive system. It’s complicated to explain. Vampires are dead. We don’t have a heartbeat, we don’t breathe, yet our minds still function. Our sex organs still work, and we do ejaculate. But what would be very low sperm counts to humans is potent to a supernatural with a sensitive reproductive system.”

  “What kind of supernatural can get pregnant by a vampire?” asked Angel inquisitively.

  “Good question,” said Anu “Some witches and I’m pretty sure a demon.”

  Anu stared back into the microscope, then back at Angel.

  “What about Maggie?” she asked.

  “Maggie is similar to my daughter. She is strong. She can control things with her mind, telekinesis; but she has a strange power growing inside her also, one that I cannot make out. She is half-angel; she can heal herself and others, and her ability to ease pain and emotions is exceptional. She may never age past her teenage years, and it’s too early to determine if she will ever grow wings or shift into another person. Was her father human?” asked Anu.

  Angel looked at Anu shockingly. “Yes, the man I married was human. He’s dead now too, so it’s too late to go fishing around his DNA for answers.”

  Anu sat straight, pulled his luxurious hair up into a ponytail, and yawned.

  “Is it time for you to retire to your coffin?” Angel asked, half smiling.

  Anu chuckled, “You know, I haven’t slept in a coffin since Joan of Arc days.”

  “Really? Then I meant your crypt,” she added jokingly. Anu’s smile displayed his bright teeth. His smooth skin was shining under the lab lights. The top four buttons of his shirt were loose and exposed a chiseled chest. Angel was staring and intimately drooling inside her head. God, is it getting hot in here? she naughtily thought. I want to do nasty things to him until his head explodes, she thought devilishly.

  Her entertaining thoughts had her smile until Master Anu interrupted her moment with his scientific language. “In due time, I will be able to understand what blood is running through Jesse’s veins. I’ve sent Sammy on a mission to the States to retrieve a special substance for me. It will help me further dilute chemicals for this new liquid I’m creating.”

  “Yes, of course,” replied Angel. What the hell is wrong with me, I can’t possibly be crushing on my abductor, she thought.

  Angel spent plenty of time reading, researching, and conducting studies with Anu. His main specialty was making formulas, many of them he tested on her only because the effects didn’t kill her. However, some made her excruciating sick; but Anu always found a way to restore her back to health. The more time they spent together, the more she was growing an admiration and attraction towards him.

  Master Anu was extremely intelligent in a nerdish way, and he genuinely cared about her. The times’ Angel would get violently sick over his experiments, he desperately made sure she was well taken care of. She received twenty-four-hour care, with a touch of her favorite flowers added. Master Anu found Angel’s humor hysterical. Her quirky remarks and sarcasm always brought laughter into their work. It didn’t help Angel that the time she was spending with Anu was like staring at a god. His beautiful features caused Angel to internally drool over him. The way Anu looked at Angel was even more alluring, like a man in love not needing to be anywhere else but in the moment, a look one only sees in the films. She was falling for him; there was an undeniable attraction forming inside her and she didn’t want it to stop. Angel hadn’t felt connected to someone since the death of her human husband. She tried her best to act professionally and keep her mind on the mission; but Anu didn’t make things easy with his genuinely polite manner, seductive stares from across the table, and his playful remarks. Angel, at times, couldn't tell if Master Anu was interested or not. He was a master at shielding his emotions from her, and she was left to guess at his desires.

  One evening, while everyone was heading for their nightly routine, Angel wondered, What did Master Anu do during his leisure time? She had been in the house for several months; and yet, she still hasn’t seen all the rooms. She decided to explore the house in the hope of spending a few more moments with Master Anu. Angel hated the feeling of leaving his side every night. She enjoyed his company and wanted a bit more, not exactly knowing what more was or if he felt the same. However, she wasn’t going to waste any more time. She was going to casually flirt her way into getting answers for her unanswered questions. Either way, she had to feed the urge to see him.

  Angel slipped on a pair of black yoga pants and a red cami top. She liked wearing her yoga pants because the shape of her butt looked incredible in them. She put on a pair of black tennis sneakers and tied her hair up in a high ponytail. Angel looked into the mirror and noticed her black-rimmed glasses sitting on the dresser. She slowly put them on her face then quickly snatched them off and tossed them in the garbage. Wow, next time, no wearing glasses in my next human form. I was pretty darn blind,” she laughed to herself.

  Angel walked out of her bedroom and entered the dimly lit hallway. It was still mind-boggling to her how the house was so fashionably decorated and immaculately clean. The mansion was constructed with four levels and a basement; and under the basement, there were built-in prison cells. The main level occupied the kitchen and dining area. All of the entertainment was on the main level, as was Master Anu’s lab. The second level held the sleeping quarters for mainly everyone in the house except Anu. The house was so large that there were names for certain areas. Angel slept in the North wing of the house with the children and angel Gia. Keiko, Sammy, and Chum Chum slept in the South wing, which was basically a long walk across from her. All of the servants that worked inside the house slept in the East wing. Master Anu occupied the third and fourth floors―floors that she had never been invited to see. All of the guards stayed in small cottages outside the mansion. The cottages were extremely well kept and cleaned daily by the servants. They were fully furnished but never stocked with food. All the Vs lived there, and all the guards were Vs.

  As Angel walked closer to the main stairs, she was side-swiped by a gust of wind. Andrew, the smelly guard, appeared before her. “For goodness sake, you’ve got to stop with the lightning speed; you can seriously hurt someone,” she said, annoyed.

  Andrew ignored her comment and asked in a hurried tone, ‘Where are you traveling to, my Queen?”

  “To explore the rest of the floors,” she said. To seduce Master Anu, she thought, then smiled her brightest smile.

  Andrew stared at her as if he were trying to read her thoughts.

  “Excuse me, Andrew,” she said while trying t
o slip past him.

  Andrew did not budge from his post. “I’m afraid I can’t let you explore without the consent of the Master first.”

  “What, but Anu gave me full access to the house,” she debated.

  “Yes. I’m sure, Queen; but that is when he gives consent. Right now, no one is allowed up the next two flights. Apologies.” Andrew bowed his head.

  “Well, why not?” Angel asked, mildly furious.

  Andrew stared again as if surprised that she questioned his orders. “The Master gave specific orders. No one is allowed up.”

  “Even me?”

  “Yes, even you, Queen,” Andrew responded.

  “Then I’ll speak with Master Anu,” she said impatiently.

  At that moment, Sammy walked up the stairs with a beautiful blonde on each arm. The girls were human; she could determine that by their distinct scent; for some reason, they all had the same smell of misty rain and sweat. Angel could feel their emotions. They were happy and filled with lust and a thirst for excitement. She began to feel jealous that she wasn’t invited to the party and that Anu had poor taste in women. Angel’s envy was getting the better of her, and she kept her focus on the young girls going up the stairs. They didn’t even notice her or Andrew’s smelly stench. He wasn’t hard to miss. The man smelled worse than a pile of dirty laundry that had been sitting out for two weeks. Angel continued focusing, and within seconds she flashed forward.

  Angel entered a carpeted room filled with velvet red sofas and a king-size bed. There were small end tables with champagne and strawberries arranged on them. The bookshelves on the opposite side of the room were filled with literature to the very top. The balcony door was wide open and overlooked the turquoise ocean. It was a beautiful, warm night; and the sound and smell of the clean air was soothing even to the most ferocious soul. The curtains from the balcony were blowing out and nearly covered Anu who was leaning on the rail, staring into the darkness. He was wearing a white tank top that adhered to his frame and silk black pajama bottoms. He was barefoot, as usual. His silky black hair was blowing freely, and his chestnut smooth skin was glistening in the moonlight. He stood motionless, but Angel could tell he was in deep thought. She was standing by the entrance of the room, and Anu’s back to her. She wanted to run up behind him, kiss him passionately, and tell him she was all he needed. However, this wasn’t a movie; and in reality, if she’d try to kiss him, he might toss her over the balcony. Besides, he couldn’t see her; and she knew that whatever she witnessed tonight may or may not change her mind about how she felt about Master Anu.

  There was a faint knock on the door. The Master turned and was at the door within seconds. He moved so quickly that Angel barely saw him. Damn V speed, she thought. Master Anu opened the door to find Andrew on the other side.

  “Yes, Andrew.” Andrew began to bow, but Anu stopped him. “Please don’t, it’s okay. What is it”?

  Andrew tugged on his black collar. “Sammy is here with the guests; he is wondering if you’re joining him tonight. You’re taking longer than usual to join the party.

  “Come in, Andrew.” Andrew walked inside and quietly closed the door behind him.

  “Something wrong, Master?” asked Andrew with sincere concern.

  “Andrew, how long have you been fighting for me?”

  “I lost count, Master; but it’s been centuries. You are my King, and the one I serve,” replied Andrew proudly.

  “You have permission to speak freely, Andrew. As a matter of fact, you have permission to leave this life we are in. It’s time.”

  Andrew looked at Master Anu, stunned, not sure what he was saying. His expression turned into deep concern. Angel could feel his fear of losing someone dear to him. He felt as if he was losing the only passionate true love of his life. He was lost and confused as if his life was over. His feelings were running strong, all mixed, and racing in a matter of seconds.

  “Master. Master. I…I don’t understand. Are you releasing me?” he quivered.

  Anu didn’t speak.

  “‘I've served you for over 500 years. I love you like my own brother. I’ve fought alongside you during wars of anarchy. I’ve fought in your name during Mastership. I’ve helped you kill traitors even when I thought they were innocent. You gave me the opportunity to see my family live when I was at my death. And now you choose to release me and throw me to the side of the road.”

  Anu placed his arm around Andrew and smiled, his teeth gleamed in the dim light. “My good man, I am not tossing you away. You are my head guard. You are the most trusted in my line next to my daughter and Sammy. Most importantly, there is no way you can love me like a brother because you killed your brother, remember.”

  Anu and Andrew stared at each other and laughed hysterically. Once Andrew could contain himself, he proceeded, “Master, not my older brother, he was an asshole. I meant my younger brother, Harry. Now that was my brother. Too bad the plague got to him.”

  Anu sat on the red velvet sofa smiling. “Well, then, I am your brother, Andrew.”

  Andrew beamed.

  “Brother, I am releasing you to be the new Master of the DeSand line.”

  Andrew stood, surprised. “DeSand? Master Anu, I don’t understand. What happened to Master DeSand? I didn’t hear about him disappearing.”

  Anu stood and patted Andrew on the arm. “He was conquered earlier today. He had something I wanted that he did not want to sell. I had to improvise. Things got...well…complicated. DeSand decided to use force, so one of the guards broke him.”

  “Broke him? How?” asked Andrew.

  Anu smiled. “One of the guards snapped him in half like a twig. He is currently down in the cell trying to heal himself. He’s screaming like a baby. I had to lock him in a soundproof room.”

  Andrew laughed; he knew the healing process for Vs varied. Broken bones could take hours, while deep cuts were healed within seconds. Andrew thought of the days during war when his arm was severed, twice, and his leg broken six times. Regrowing a limb took almost fifteen hours. The regeneration process hurt worse than any pain he could imagine. Healing broken bones was nothing to him. When a V breaks a bone more than once, the healing process becomes easier, faster and less painful to the point you will not feel pain. However, one never gets used to the regeneration process. That hurts no matter how many times you lose a limb.

  “This must have been the first time he broke a bone,” stated Andrew.

  “It’s not my fault he’s lived over two hundred years thinking it was never going to happen. He should have broken his own arm to get used to the pain. He’s lucky that Sammy didn’t cut his jewels off. Now that hurts more than losing any limb on the body,” said Anu. Both men laughed.

  “I am now heir to his throne. But his line isn’t what I want. That would require me to look after more of our kind than I can handle. Master DeSand was a common joke. Always wanting to make friends and have parties. He never had a real agenda. Therefore, I decided to give you ownership. You take over the line, turn those losers into something, and let us merge. Brother, together we will work to continue fighting for power. Together we can work to overthrow the Leaders.”

  Andrew grinned displaying his rotten missing teeth. the thought of power and becoming equals with Master Anu pleased him. It was as if he received the best Christmas present ever.

  “Yes! Let’s do it! By the way, what did you want from DeSand?” asked Andrew.

  Anu dug in his pocket and pulled out a small vial containing a green substance. Andrew grabbed the vile, twisted the cap, and opened it. He smelled the substance then twisted the cap back on tightly and handed it back to Anu.

  “Smells like my ass,” he grimaced.

  “Yes it does. But this is a supernatural killing element. The fool made a serum that can kill any supernatural, no matter how strong,” replied Anu.

  Angel stood there, shocked, still listening intently.

  Andrew was surprised. “Fucking Christ, you’re serious. How? DeSan
d is no scientist.”

  “I have a few ideas on how he made it, but I know he didn’t work alone,” responded Anu.

  “What are you going to do with it?”

  Anu placed it back in his pocket. “You’ll have to wait and see. Now, enough of this. It’s time to celebrate, my friend. Where are the models and how many are there?” asked Anu.

  “There are four beautiful women. A gift from Master Trevor across the seas. Sammy just walked upstairs with two of them. There are two more waiting in the dining room,” Andrew answered with delight.

  “Hummm, nice, I like Master Trevor. He surely knows how to show his appreciation,” said Anu.

  “My good man, shower, shave, wear great clothes, and take yourself out of your punishment because today you are a new man enjoying a new life. Today you are MASTER. Tonight is your night.” Anu placed his arm around Andrew in excitement and continued. “Tonight, we will fuck the finest women and drink the sweetest blood Master Trevor has to offer. It’s a celebration! I will make sure the servants have you ready in an hour. Now, let the real fun begin!” Anu popped out his fangs and grinned brightly.

  The room around Angel became disorienting. She soon started to lose her vision and lose focus of her surroundings. Within the blink of an eye, she was standing in front of Andrew watching the blondes go upstairs with Sammy. Although Angel felt she was gone for over an hour, only two seconds had passed. Andrew cleared his throat; and Angel looked at him, realizing she needed to think quickly.

  “I think it's time for this Queen to retire,” said Angel, unconvincingly.

  She sighed and proceeded to walk back to her room. Before she took her final step, she glanced back at Andrew and said, “Congratulations.”

  Andrew looked puzzled,

  Angel couldn’t stand the smell of Andrew anymore. His odor was giving her a migraine, and flashing forward drained her energy level. Although she was enraged by Anu’s plans for the evening, she was happy for Andrew. Over 500 years of being a gimp and he finally gains a promotion, awesome!

  She needed to sit. She walked into her room and looked around, eying the décor of her room. There were flower prints everywhere. The wallpaper design was an old-fashioned blue and white flower print. The carpet was white, and the king-size bed was covered with a pink and white flowered comforter. The nightstands held old-fashioned lamps, and the window curtains were sheer pink. The only thing great about Angel’s room was the huge bathroom and walk-in closet. Her bathroom had a bathtub built for two and a separate shower. The shower had glass doors and the floor was Italian marble. The room was tacky but comfortable, and she had the urge to destroy everything in sight. Angel grabbed one of the lamps, intent on smashing it against the wall but then hesitated. She stared at it and placed it back down. Oh, Angel, what is wrong with you? You’re acting ridiculous, get a grip, she told herself. You can’t mix business with pleasure. But I can’t help that I’m falling for Master Anu. I know better than anyone that it can never work. Our species just don’t mix; and after seeing those women, I’m convinced he doesn’t feel the same way about me. I was stupid to have a crush on him. The truth is, while I’m sitting here upset and jealous, he is one floor above me having a great time, not thinking about me at all. I need to get out of the house for a bit, she thought.


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