Trapped Inside Humanity
Page 19
Anu listened to his friend’s request but remained stern and calm. “I don’t understand why you would want to jeopardize your livelihood for a woman who doesn’t want to belong to you,” said Anu, confused.
“She loves me,” said Sammy.
“How do you know for sure? She has not yet committed herself to you, and your relationship has been going on for quite some time now. How much longer will you wait? Until she is old, maybe 80 on her deathbed, before she realizes she has made a mistake and wants to become one of us. Then what, Sammy? You will turn an 80-year-old woman as your mate. Are you forgetting? You will live forever. Something you have mentioned to Keiko on several occasions.” Sammy remained silent, absorbing Anu’s words. He was right. How much longer was he going to wait for Jenny? He was so in love he forgot he was the only one that had eternity.
Anu continued, “I do have rules against my vampires fraternizing with the human employees. You know the rules better than I do since you have helped enforce them. I know you love Jenny. I always knew. I know what happens inside my house. Just like I know about Keiko and my pilot. I know everything. And yet, I allow it. Your loyalty is the reason I let it go on. If it doesn’t affect your work, or me, then I’m good. However, now, now I’m not good. I will give you a choice. You can leave with Jenny, and if you decide that route, I am releasing you. You are no longer part of the Du’Shun line. I am no longer your Master, and you will be stripped of all your duties and rank. You will be a free V. Free to love your human and roam the earth with her for as long as you want. Just understand, you will never be able to return.”
Sammy began to tear red, “Master, you are my family. You are all I have. You will actually release me?” Master Anu nodded yes and regarded Sammy sternly.
“Master, if I’m free, I’ll be considered a free agent. It will only open up doors for a hunt; the Leaders may kill me. Unless you’re releasing me to another line or giving me the approval to start my own line. Which it sounds as if you’re doing neither.”
“Let me be clear, I will release you as a free agent,” said Anu in a serious manner.
“Then you might as well nail me to fry in the sun. That will show more mercy,” challenged Sammy.
“The choice is yours,” replied Anu sternly. Sammy remained silent for a few seconds. The stare-off between them grew thicker by the moment. After so much loyalty, Anu was willing to dismiss him without any honor. Sammy knew that Master Anu’s drastic decision was because of Angel. Whatever happened between them was making Anu think irrationally. Although Sammy wanted to make the decision to leave with Jenny and have Master Anu wallow in his sorrow, he chose not to go. He loved his Master like a brother. Now wasn’t the time to turn his back on family. Sammy was just going to have to find a way to continue seeing his love outside of the house. It wasn’t the end of the world for him, but it did look like the end of the world for Master Anu. He could see it in his eyes.
“I choose to stay with you Master,” said Sammy defeated.
“Good choice. We will resume business here as usual,” replied Anu.
Sammy nodded in approval and disappeared from the room, shielding his tears of blood.
The children, Gia, Jenny, and Angel were all waiting by the main entrance of the house beside their luggage. Keiko hugged Maggie and placed a locket around her neck. The locket was a beautiful butterfly; and when it opened, there was a tiny picture of Keiko and Maggie making a funny face. “I had it made just for you, my special friend. I’m sure I will see you again one day,” said Keiko, squeezing Maggie tightly, holding back tears. Jenny said her goodbyes to Sammy and confided in Angel his unsuccessful talk with the Master. Sammy gave Jenny $200,00 and explained to her that he would visit and send money often.
Chum Chum handed Angel a yellow envelope and clarified that Master Anu had bought her a fully-furnished five-bedroom penthouse apartment. The envelope contained the deed to the apartment, keys, and access to her bank accounts. Her accounts had all her cash investments, her severance from G&S, and additional funds from Master Anu. The value totaled over eighty million dollars. “Why is the Master giving me all this?” asked Angel.
“It is the least he can do for kidnapping you and liquidating your assets,” replied Chum Chum. “And remember when I told you about that rainy-day money? Well, honey, be glad you have it because it is pouring in your world,” said Chum Chum, trying to lighten the mood. “You have to go now, the jet is waiting for you,” he said while extending his arms out to Angel for a hug.
Angel hugged Chum Chum and thanked him for everything. “I’m sure I’ll never meet another demon quite like you,” said Angel.
“Oh no, baby, I’m one of a kind,” he replied, snapping his fingers three times from side to side.
“Wait, I have one last thing I need to do,” said Angel before exiting. Angel walked to the center of the room. She took one last look at the huge mansion she had spent a year in plotting, learning, and loving the Master. She looked at all the people traveling with her and everyone looked depressed. Maggie was still clutching onto Keiko, Jesse was leaning against the wall wearing earbuds, Jenny’s eyes were bloodshot from all her crying, and Gia was fumbling with a cell phone with a concerned look on her face. Angel blocked out everyone’s emotions. She didn’t want to feel what they were going through, especially when she was in such great pain herself. She took another look around at the paintings on the wall, thinking to herself how she was going to miss everything around her. She stepped to the center of the floor and shouted, “Anuuuuuuuuuuuu…… IS THIS HOW IT ENDS? IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT? COME FACE ME!” She knew he could hear her. Angel wanted Master Anu to come down and tell her to her face that everything they worked for was done; that she was done. She was hoping for a reaction. Instead, the only reaction she got was from Keiko, “That is so immature of you, Angel. I think it's time for you to go.”
Angel paused for a few more seconds then turned to Keiko. “Grab my bags,” she said to her as she snatched Maggie’s hand and walked out the door with the rest of the gang following behind. Just like that, Angel was gone.
Being back in New York City, Angel felt lost. She didn’t have her old life back. There was no J.C. to call or a job to reach out to. She had to be herself and live as a Queen with no army. When they returned to the states, Jenny had gone back to Georgia to see her mother. Things didn’t turn out very well. Her family was happy to see her but began taking advantage of her. Things became bad when Jenny’s meth-head of a stepdad stole her bank card and tried to withdraw everything she had. That drove Jenny over the edge. She called Angel a month after returning home and asked if she could stay with her for a while. Angel was delighted and told her she could stay for as long as she liked.
Gia went on a search, alone, to find other angels. She reported to Angel every Friday with the same news, “Nothing but a bunch of Vamps lingering around.” Fucking Vampires were pissing Angel off, even if they were not a danger to anyone, the thought of their existence fumed her. A part of her wanted to go around slaughtering Vs just to assuage the anger she had inside from Master Anu. The other part knew it was wrong, murdering innocent Vs was just as bad as killing innocent humans.
Three weeks turned into three months, which then turned into one year with not a word from Master Anu or anyone in his line. The days passed rapidly, and each day was a challenge and a struggle in finding more angels. After a year of visiting several different countries and following dead ends, Gia was able to find her first angel. The angel had been roaming around as a stray for years.
Known as Desmond, he had been living in his human form and moving around from one country to the next for as long as he could remember. Gia found him, through pure luck, in a hole-in-the-wall bar in Australia. “It must have been my lucky day, Queen. I walked into the bar for some water and a chat; and there he was, sitting on a barstool looking pitiful, with his black wings touching the floor. Of course, no one could see his true form but me. Desmond took on the body of an 80-year-old
town drunk. No one paid him any attention,” said Gia excitedly.
Desmond had short, ashy brown hair in a very stylish cut. His piercing brown eyes and 6’2” lean and muscular figure presented him as a fighter. What intrigued Angel the most was Desmond's luxuriously long black wings. Angels who bore black wings were rare; and many contained unique gifts, from flame-throwing to turning other supernaturals into dust with a touch of their finger. Angel was relieved to find a black-winged angel. Having Desmond survive her disappearance gave her hope.
Angel, I Love You
“When does it stop getting hot in New York City?” asked Desmond.
Gia and Desmond were in the study of Angel’s penthouse researching the possible whereabouts of other angels. The apartment was large enough for everyone to have their own room. The place was a duplex with a built-in library, a large kitchen, dining area, movie theater room, four full bathrooms, and a balcony overlooking the city. There was also a small guest room on the first floor that Desmond occupied occasionally. It was the end of September; the summer was over, but the weather had not yet transitioned to fall. Everyone was still able to wear their summer attire. The temperature was eighty degrees almost every day.
Jesse enrolled himself in Columbia University since losing his football scholarship, and Maggie attended a private school. Jenny picked up a waitressing job at a local diner. She didn’t necessarily need the job with all the money she already had, but she figured it gave her something to do. Angel didn’t worry Jenny with having to contribute to the household, but Jenny insisted. She agreed to buy all the groceries if someone else managed the cooking. Gia and Angel usually cooked for the house; but the days when Gia was out exploring the world, Jesse picked up her job as the chef. He was an excellent cook and learned various recipes from watching the Food network. For Maggie’s 8th birthday, Jesse baked her a fancy three-tier chocolate cake, similar to what would be served at a wedding. The household was keeping up well; and there were many times Angel asked herself, How long will this last before the Leaders find me? If they are even still hunting me, as Anu once mentioned.
“It really doesn’t stop getting hot till late October, if we’re lucky,” replied Gia.
“Oh, well I’m glad I didn’t pack much winter gear,” smiled Desmond. He had become Gia’s partner in researching and traveling to find more celestials. Together, they had managed to find a few.
“Don’t get too used to this weather. The cold will sneak up on you at any moment. Before we know it, winter will be here, completely skipping fall,” said Gia.
“I’m not worried”, replied Desmond in his sexy Australian accent. “I’m sure someone out there will keep me warm throughout the winter,” Desmond smiled flirtatiously. His expression took Gia by surprise. She looked away awkwardly, not sure what to say.
Their conversation was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. Gia and Desmond continued to stare at each other, questioning silently if any of them were expecting guests. Desmond shrugged his shoulders, and Gia stood up and walked quickly to the pounding door. Desmond followed in suit. The only ones inside the apartment were Gia and Desmond. Maggie and Jesse were in school, Jenny at work, and Angel went to the Gym. Gia stopped short before reaching the door. Desmond walked in front of her and placed his left hand on the door as his right hand began to glow preparing itself to rip out flames if necessary. The pounding grew louder and the door began shaking off its hinges. Desmond called out in a loud intimidating voice, “WHO IS IT”?
The person on the other side of the door answered in a rapid tone, “Angel, Angel are you in there? Please open the door, it's Keiko.”
Desmond turned to Gia who was already walking to the door to unlock it.
“Who is Keiko, asked Desmond?”
“It’s Master Anu’s supernatural daughter. The Japanese woman I told you about who kidnapped the Queen,” Gia replied, opening the door.
Gia looked at Keiko, who was not wearing her usual all-black attire but instead a white T-shirt, jeans, and white tennis sneakers. She was not wearing any make-up and her hair was cut short in a boyish style. She hardly looked like the same Keiko she saw a year ago. Her appearance took Gia by surprise, but Gia remained impassive and tried not to show her concern.
“What are you doing here?” asked Gia in anger. Before Keiko could answer, she dropped to her knees holding her chest. There was blood oozing quickly from the tiny hole created in the center of her breast. Keiko stared up at Gia who was desperately trying to hold her. Gia placed her hands on Keiko’s chest, applying pressure to the wound.
“Oh, God, Desmond, what have you done?” asked Gia frantically, covered in Keiko’s blood.
Desmond had thrown a tiny fireball at Keiko, so quickly, no one heard or saw it coming. “I don’t care why she is here; but anyone who hurts an angel, especially our Queen, deserves to be dead.”
“No”, said Gia. “You don’t understand. The Queen may have wanted to see her.” Desmond quickly ran to Keiko’s side and felt for a pulse on her neck.
“She’s dying. Shit, I think I made a big mistake,” he said worriedly.
“Who made a big mistake?” questioned Angel, turning the corner to her apartment. Angel recognized the voices as soon as she stepped off the elevator. Desmond was the only Australian she knew. As Angel walked closer, she could see tiny feet laying on the carpeted hallway. She quickly ran over to Desmond and Gia, who was hovering over a woman.
“Oh my God. Keiko!” said Angel, stunned.
Desmond quickly tried to explain to Angel what had happened, but Angel dismissed his accounts. She bent down to Keiko and heard her crying internally about the end of her life. She knew that hearing Keiko’s thoughts meant her brain was still alive, she had less than a minute to save her.
Angel thought fast and began to give direction. “Desmond, get her inside the house FAST. Gia get the bleach and start cleaning up the hallway; get all that blood off of everything as fast as you can.”
“Yes, Queen,” replied Gia. Angel removed her gym bag and jacket and threw them on a dining chair. She pointed to the glass dining table and signaled to Desmond to place her there. Desmond laid Keiko on the table and took a step back. Angel ripped Keiko’s shirt and bra off and examined her gaping wound, then looked at Desmond.
“You barely scratched her,” she said sarcastically, staring at the hole in Keiko’s chest. If she were one hundred percent human, she would have died on impact. Keiko’s wound was similar to getting shot by a flare gun. The hole was a straight shot to the chest area, cutting a perfect circle the size of an orange. It was smoking from the heat and smelled of burnt flesh. Angel could see the smoke rising from the injury. She couldn’t believe she still had an inch of life left, but that was all Angel needed.
This woman is a fighter, thought Angel. She placed her hands on Keiko’s bloody chest and pressed down as hard as she could. Her hands began to glow, and Keiko’s body began to shimmer with Angel’s healing powers. The harder she applied pressure, the easier it was for her healing touch to hold on to the bit of life still flowing inside Keiko’s veins.
“Come on, Keiko, come back,” implored Angel through clenched teeth. In a matter of seconds, Angel felt a heartbeat along with the pulse of flowing blood through her body. She began to ease pressure as she felt Keiko inhaling air as her eyes struggled to open. Once Keiko was breathing normally, Angel stepped back and waited. She stood beside Desmond who was watching Keiko intently. Angel felt remorse in his emotions, mixed with anxiety. She turned to Desmond and placed her hand on his shoulder.
“Next time, just hear people out first,” comforted Angel.
Desmond nodded; he turned his gaze back to Keiko’s wound. They watched the flesh close up and knit itself back to normal. It was as if nothing ever happened. Keiko lay there with her breasts exposed and her hands by her sides. Without yet opening her eyes, Keiko raised her hands to her chest. She started rubbing where her wound once was. She then opened her eyes and look
ed down to see that the wound was sealed and her jeans covered in blood. Keiko rose up from the table quickly and began examining herself. She turned to look at her surroundings and noticed Desmond standing next to Angel.
“You mother fucker, you shot me.” Keiko leaped from the dining table to jump on Desmond. Angel intercepted the leap and grabbed Keiko in mid-air and yanked her to the ground. She hit the floor hard and landed on her back. Angel stepped on Keiko’s stomach with her running sneaker and began to think of her having intense pain inside her stomach.
“Ohhhh, oh gosh, please,” Keiko screamed in agony. “Angel, please, please, I beg…stop,” she screamed again.
“Keiko, if I let you go, you have to promise to be a good little girl. Do I have your word?”
“Yes, yes, Angel! You have my word. I promise. Please stop!” she screamed again.
Angel gradually lessened the intense pain until it was non-existent. It was Déjà vu and Angel knew it. Just a year ago she was in a similar situation. “Wow, how the tables have turned,” said Angel. “Desmond, can you please get our guest a shirt and a bottle of water.” Desmond obeyed and disappeared into one of the rooms. Keiko stood up, not feeling embarrassed about her nakedness. She felt in between her chest one last time and then quickly embraced Angel. The hug took Angel off guard. She almost lost her balance, but Keiko held herself up for the both of them.
“Thank you, Angel,” she said in her ear. Angel could feel her joy of being alive and her fear of not knowing how much time she had left.
“Keiko, what are you doing here? Are you in trouble?” asked Angel, concerned.
Desmond walked in and handed Keiko a black t-shirt that read, “Party Bitch.” Keiko held it up and shrugged.
“It belongs to Gia. She said you could have it,” said Desmond. He handed her a bottle of water. “I’m sorry I attacked you.”