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1684, Scottish HighlandsIt's become abundantly clear to Scarlet Worthington that England no longer can offer her anything good. With few other options, she flees to the wilds of Scotland to help her sister, who has created a place where women learn to protect themselves. There is something special about the Highlands. It could be the lush rolling hills, the clean air, the feeling of doing something good... or maybe it's the fierce Campbell warrior she's recruited to help. Aiden Campbell has spent months recovering from burns he sustained in a fire set by English soldiers. Finally, he's healed enough to take temporary command of his clan. Between the fire and his own ghosts, there is no love lost between him and the English. So why does he say yes when the new Englishwoman in town asks for his help? And why does she have the power to distract him so much? When Scarlet's past stalks her all the way to Scotland, her nightmares become real and the things...