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Joey Dursky, a normal high school student athlete can't seem to shake a recurring dream. One morning he begins to see his small town atmosphere thrown into chaos. His friends, family, and neighbors begin to act very strange. He can do things he never thought physically possible. Torn in multiple directions and afraid of whats going on around him, he must find and protect Lila at all costs.When Joey Dursky, a normal high school student athlete can't seem to shake a recurring dream, he leans on his friends for support. On a typical Fall Friday, a supposed lightning strike, has his girlfriend Lila fearful for his safety. By Saturday morning he begins to see his small town atmosphere thrown into chaos. His friends, family, and neighbors begin to act very strange. He discovers he also begins to feel different. He can do things he never thought physically possible. Torn in multiple directions and afraid of what is going on around him, he decides he must find and protect Lila at all costs.