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Felix and Jenna can't wait to start their future—but first they have to contend with their past.Newlyweds Jenna and Felix are thrilled to be touring as a married couple, even though it means learning how to be a brand-new family while on the road. They're far less thrilled about the threatening letters Jenna's been receiving from her violent ex-boyfriend, Grant—and Jenna fears her past will come back to haunt her, just when everything is going so well.The band increases security and hopes for the best, even as the pressure of the threats, the tour, and Felix's still-fledgling sobriety become overwhelming. But when disaster strikes, Felix and Jenna are each forced to confront their own demons—things they thought they'd left forever in the past. They must learn to rely on each other in their frightening new circumstances—or risk losing everything they love most.The Jenna Rollins Real Love Tour is a sequel novella to...