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This is the story of John, a young man that works the all night shift at a convenience store, and his good friend Shoes, who is homeless. Against his supervisor's orders John brings Shoes into the store each night to warm up, get something to eat, and rest. One night, Shoes, who is mentally ill, does not come by the store. A night turns into many and John begins to search for his friend.This is the story of John, a young man that works the all night shift at a convenience store, and his good friend Shoes, who is homeless. Against his supervisor's orders John brings Shoes into the store each night to warm up, get something to eat, and rest. One night, Shoes, who is mentally ill, does not come by the store. A night turns into many and John begins to search for his friend.This story is written in a lyrical style inspired by the southern gothic movement, made popular by writers such as Faulkner, McCarthy, and William Gay. This story has simularities to southern gothic in that it uses many metaphores, and it involves characters that struggle to make a living while facing difficult situations that shape them for better or worse. It differs from the classic southern gothic stories in that it is set in contemporary time and in the north.