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Sonnet Banks was what some would consider to be hood royalty, everything from her 3,000 sq foot condo to her massive Hermes collection spelled luxury. She was also the ultimate backstabbing bitch and didn’t apologize for it. She will do whatever it takes to come up in the game, even if it means hurting those closest to her.Sonnet Banks was what some would consider to be hood royalty, everything from her 3,000 sq foot condo to her massive Hermes collection spelled luxury. She was also the ultimate backstabbing bitch and didn’t apologize for it. She will do whatever it takes to come up in the game, even if it means hurting those closest to her. Despite having the gold digging game on lock, Sonnet’s selfish ways soon get the best of her. Find out what happens when this ghetto princess goes from hood rich to a lowly street urchin fighting to survive on Skid Row. The question is does she deserve a come up? You decide.

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