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As wendy houses go, Sis’s isn’t anything special. But all her friends have vanished and, last time I saw them, they were all heading towards that weird little house. Now it’s full of dolls, dolls with her missing friends’ names. And I’m sure I still hear them singing that irritating skipping song! So how about I just take a peek in here and – oh oh, maybe that wasn’t such a great idea…Following his involvement in a car accident, Daniel Graham wakes up in the land of Eden. He barely manages to crawl out from the wreckage, before he is ruthlessly hunted down by a dragon and its blood-thirsty rider. He is rescued by the Guardians of Lost Souls, a group of knights sent by the archangel, Uriel, to protect him. Now, they must journey together to the ruins of an ancient city, in search of the magical gateway that would take him back home.