Book Read Free
Taro Takeda had missed out on a university place by one percentage point and had been unsuccessful in every job interview that had required a tie or a skill. All that was left for him was an offer from the Tokyo crime boss, Tokin Mikoto. Could it be an opportunity to find a place in a city that had turned its back on him? Or was he destined to be just another lost nobody, a weed in the jungle?Inspired by a JA Konrath challenge to write, edit, create a cover, and publish a short story in eight hours or less. A Career Move - A crash-landed alien tries to find his career path but isn't having much luck...3072 word short story (teen+ appropriate)Capture At The Hive - The Evil Queen Mother has finally captured General Megatron, Defender of the Galaxy. 421 word flash fiction story (safe for children)