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Michael Stevens had to kill and eat those fourteen women. Their meat was too delicious, and he couldn't resist. His rampage was finally put to an end, but he avoided the death penalty. Admitted to Tersen Asylum for the past three years, he hopes to reform his cannabalistic ways. But with a vegetarian diet and a new nurse that's the exact meat he once craved, will he be able to stay in control?Off in a distance stood a dark desolate castle in north-western Ireland full of mystery and macabre known as Castle Drac Von Stoller. Anyone that would dare talk bad about the castle would later come up missing without a trace. Costume parties were held at the castle where ballroom dancing would also take place. Legend has it that Count Drac Von Stoller impaled the great Wizard Estavan and just as the Count was about to sink his teeth into the Wizard's neck the Wizard pulled his magic wand out of his cloak and a beam of light shot through the wand into the mirror standing in the corner. Estavan the Wizard said as he was gasping his last breathe on the impaling stake. "Count for what you've done to me I curse you to the mirror where you will remain for all eternity unless you can find thirteen virgin maiden's impale them and suck every drop of their precious blood from their bodies. If you fail the mirror will be your final resting place, you only have one chance to lift the curse.”

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