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Once upon a wondrous time, there lived the master of them all. Her name was Ann and she was the measure of all things; the roots of a tree, vegetables born out of the ground and the stars in the night sky could all find a home within her. I have anthropomorphized 12 words ending in 'osopher'. Say hello to the delightful lives of Ann, Miss, Kai, Gaz, Fizz, Phob, Pan, Phil, Si, Gee, Demi and JimOnce upon a wondrous time, there lived the master of them all. Her name was Ann and she was the measure of all things; the roots of a tree, vegetables born out of the ground and the stars in the night sky could all find a home within her. Misogynists of history have distorted this true tale, but when considered carefully, only a woman posing as god can give birth to man. And so it was, and still is, Ann who is the master of them all; the walking doppelganger of life.

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