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Set in the present day, New Bridge to Lyndesfarne follows Kevin, a talented but lonely forty-something who is commissioned to design a second bridge between the Two Worlds. Accompanied by Tanji, his guide and interpreter from Lyndesfarne, Kevin inadvertently discovers a conspiracy to destroy the bridge which puts their lives in danger.A compilation of new adult and young adult contemporary and paranormal stories.There are moments in life that take you by surprise - an outcome you weren’t expecting, an instant connection with a virtual stranger, or those warm tingles of new love. No matter what happens, you are certain that you will never be the same. Step inside and join these best-selling authors as they offer you a glimpse into the hearts and minds of some of your favorite characters. From dystopian to paranormal to contemporary romance, this collection provides a taste of all that you love.Written by Anna Cruise, Carlyle Labuschagne, Charlotte Abel, C.L. Foster, Delphina Henley, E.L. Todd, Kelly Risser, Kristina Renee, N.L. Greene, Randi Cooley Wilson, Sharon Rose Mayes and Susan Burdorf