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When Brandon’s wife Marilyn fails to pick him up after work, he begins a long trail of “Really Bad Days.” He finds that his wife is drunk and she begins a long series of what would be considered at best, “acting up.” For months, Brandon tries to figure out what is going on with his wife, then he decides to divorce her. Then he meets Julie and has the ultimate Bad Day!Brandon and Marilyn have been married for eight years, they have the perfect life, then one day she doesn’t show up to pick him up after work. A strange man calls Brandon and tells him that his wife is okay but that she is afraid to pick him up. Brandon has no idea what has happened, but apparently his wife has done something that prevents her from wanting to see her husband or family. She comes home two days later, drunk and confessing that she has had an affair with her boss. Brandon begins a long series of “very bad days.” At best his wife is acting out, at worst she is seeing other men, drinking and doing drugs.” For months, Brandon tries to figure out what is going on with his wife, then he decides to divorce her. He goes through a string of girl friends, then he meets Julie, the most beautiful woman that he has ever seen. They fall in love with each other and soon marry. Brandon’s two small children fall in love with Julie and his life seems to have turned around. But, more bad days. Then the ultimate bad day happens!