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In the wake of his beloved wife's death, Detective Chris Ravello's life is in shambles. Overwhelmed by grief and dogged by an unrelenting, devastating disease, Chris abruptly resigns as the NYPD's Chief of the Division of Medical Crimes.But his hopes for a healthier, less-troubled life are short-lived.A harrowing near-death experience forces Chris to submit to a series of risky, ill-advised, and experimental treatments that will either cure him or kill him.As Chris' best friend, NYPD Detective Kevin Kennedy, investigates a series of perplexing and appalling deaths, he uncovers a disturbing truth – Ravello's cure has already killed four other patients.Just when all seems lost, hope comes from the unlikeliest of sources – an old nemesis making incredible claims:Michelle Ravello is alive and he can lead the detectives to her and their killer.But can Kennedy and Ravello trust one sociopath to catch another? And what is the...

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