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Jamie Kendrick is known for his bad decisions—jacking a squad car and turning it over in a ditch, for example. But he's going to show everyone. With some help from his brother—and a court-ordered ankle monitor—Jamie's going to get sober, join the army, and shake his white trash reputation. That is, until someone frames him for the grisly murders of his brother's family.Jamie Kendrick is known for his colossally bad decisions—jacking a squad car and turning it over in a ditch, for example. But he’s going to show everyone. With some help from his brother—and a court-ordered ankle monitor—Jamie is going to get sober, join the army, and shake his white trash reputation. He’s actually doing a decent job until someone frames him for the grisly murders of his brother's family. No one believes that Jamie is innocent. No one but a mysterious blonde with a gun. She gives Jamie a choice: spend the rest of his life in prison or help her take down the man who killed his brother and set him up.

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