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Immortal clones enslave humanity!When scientists invent machines that extend life indefinitely, world leaders begin working together to control world populations and ensure their own power.One worker drone named Thirty-Seven must fight the system to keep himself from becoming a scapegoat. His inflitration of the world's most corrupt culture threatens to spark a thrilling revolution.IMMORTAL CLONES ENSLAVE HUMANITY!When scientists invent machines that extend life indefinitely, world leaders begin working together to control world populations and ensure their own power.One worker drone named Thirty-Seven must fight the system to keep himself from becoming a scapegoat in the world's most corrupt society. He fights against a the whims of a desert prison dictator named Satan and gets mixed up with Satan's wife, Suicide.Through harrowing tribulations and gripping battles, Thirty-Seven evolves from a naive servant to fearless leader of a massive pack of fierce disciples. He joins a secret society and learns the truth about how immortality was invented. Coming to terms with the realities of surviving on his own, Thirty-Seven grows and evolves into a wise and powerful revolutionary.This post -apocalyptic dystopian thriller will keep you guessing. Lots of surprises and twists.

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