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Granted, standing in the middle of a deserted road with an axe in each hand probably wasn't the best way to get a car to stop for me. But stop, she did. Well, sort of. Okay, so she was just avoiding a rollover into the same ditch I'd broken down in when she braked long enough for me to hop in her truck bed. Still, it's fate. Not just because I need a ride asap to join the other smokejumpers in my crew already gearing up at the airstrip to fight a massive forest fire heading toward my family ranch, but more so because this is going to be a helluva story we'll be telling our grandkids one day. Just as soon as I can get the skittish thing to trust that I'm nothing like whatever it is she's been running from. The HIS TO CLAIM Series Book 1: Every Last Doubt (Adler & Sage) Book 2: Every Last Touch (Walker & Ashley) Book 3: Every Last Look (Barrett & Quinn) Book 4: Every Last Secret (Sutton & Maddy) Book 5:...