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I may be a shy, lowly letter carrier, but when my beloved apartment building is threatened by a mysterious and reclusive billionaire, I'm willing to push the envelope. I'm going to march right up to Malcolm Blackberg's fortress of fierceness and deliver a cease-and-desist notice he can't refuse. Except as soon as I get inside his gilded doors, things go sideways—I'm mistaken for Malcolm's court-ordered emotional intelligence coach—they think I'm acting out a wacky postal carrier cosplay. They drag me in, a sacrificial lamb for the big bad. Make that big, smolderingly sexy bad. Can I use this case of mistaken identity to make the case for him not to tear down our building? Or does his surly glower means he knows I'm not really his coach? Before I know it I'm flying around the country, up close and personality testing the most devilishly exasperating man I've ever met. He's scary for sure...but the way he sometimes looks at me turns...