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The endless jungle; a relentless foe; no way out: no worriesWorld War II, Malaya 1942: Charlie Torrance, a private in the Second Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, is plunged into the maelstrom of war after the quickfire Japanese invasion. Suddenly, a sweltering but otherwise uneventful posting in the Malayan jungle becomes a living nightmare. The men of the regiment are a rough and ready bunch, dubbed the Jungle Beasts by the Singapore press. With the Japanese pressing in from all sides, they must use all their battle-hardened skills to manufacture an escape. But when the group stumbles upon some mysterious documents, their plight takes a turn for the worse. Torrance is pursued remorselessly by the indomitable Captain Mitsumoto, who will stop at nothing to retrieve the papers. As the British Empire crumbles amidst the mosquitos, rubber plantations and whip cracking bullets, it seems that there is one more battle to be decided... A...