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Her eloquent prose makes you feel the character's torments and indecisions, as well as their gradually evolving, soul-deep love." —The Old Book Barn GazetteMiranda "Mira" Holcombe has only one goal in life: To destroy the Duke of Tallant, Jermyn Keynes. Simply for the pleasure of it, he ruined her life, robbed her family of their land and valuables, and now threatens to destroy them entirely. How can a young woman caring for her disabled father bring down a powerful aristocrat? Only her father knows her deepest secrets, and he hopes that in London she will find a kind and gentle man to wed. But Mira is focused only on vengeance, whatever the cost. As she devises a plan to kill the duke, she discovers that Tallant's dark-souled younger brother, Michael, is bent on the same course. Can she believe he'll help her? Dare she trust him?Michael Keynes once burned with dreams and goals, but all have been consumed by his determination to rid the earth of his...