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Beyond the edge of the world, Darkness bides its time. Only power and strength can fight it, not a simple girl.
Captured by a rival clan, Ariana is chained to a wall and about to be tortured. The Four Kingdoms aren't safe anymore. As if crossing dangerous territories wasn't bad enough, she is now trapped in a cave with her jailers. But they have it all wrong.
She isn't a spy, she's just a healer on her way to her sick aunt. Escape is out of the question as she's a weak woman, yet fear twists her stomach when she realizes who will decide if she lives or dies. The legendary Lord of the Clans will believe her or execute her. He's huge, he's powerful and he has the power of life and death over all the tribes. But maybe she has it all wrong.
THE LORD OF THE CLANS is a stand alone but takes place in the same world as BLADE HEART, a few months after BLADE HEART.