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Tyler wants to wrap Faith in a bubble.Lincoln wants to do wicked things to her.And Kayden is on the sidelines watching the train-wreck.After the "I do's" comes the "happily ever after," right?Newly married and pregnant, Faith McGuire should be basking in marital bliss and the pregnancy glow. Instead, she's dealing with morning sickness, beard trimmings in the sink, and her cherry Dr. Peppers disappearing from the fridge. Not to mention, her "home sweet home" is in serious need of some fixing up.Once an unwanted penny, Faith dreamt of having a happy family and the perfect home. Now she has three loving – though overprotective – husbands and a home of her own, but... something is still missing.Lucky for Faith, her supportive friends, loving husbands, and bossy Granny Manto are there to show her that perfect is overrated and it's the people inside a house that make it a home.  ♥ Millennial Reverse Harem ♥♥ Why Choose?♥

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