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In this second "otherness" volume of stories by Henry Kuttner, the editors have again selected those works which have never appeared in other collections, and seldom even in an anthology. Further, the stories have lent themselves to a theme broadly based on robotics -- or more properly, man-made creations or machines which duplicate the purposes and activities of man. In the hands of Henry Kuttner, however, no robot, let alone android, could ever remain merely an extraordinary concatenation of nuts, bolts and wires. Therefore, there is a tremendous diversity between these amusing, terrifying and all-too-human tales. And since no collection of Henry Kuttner's work would seem complete without the Hogbens, that marvelous family which has blasted its way into the affections of all aficionados, we have included one gem from that group. All in all, a collection of intoxicating delight.
SEE YOU LATER Thrilling Wonder Stories, June, 1949.
THIS IS THE HOUSE Astounding Science Fiction 1946
THE PROUD ROBOT Astounding Science Fiction 1943
GALLEGHER PLUS Astounding Science Fiction 1943
ANDROID The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1951.
JUKEBOX Thrilling Wonder Stories, February, 1947.