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This religious novel follows the lives of twins Connie and Donnie Slocum, their divorced mother and father, and Connie's romantic interests, Ralph and Larry, as Connie becomes a devout Christian. As Connie walks “in straight paths” after her conversion, even through difficult times, her life and the lives of her friends and family are significantly impacted.Fiery-tempered Connie Slocum is unrelentingly teased by her mischievous twin brother, Donnie, during their growing-up years. Their mother is often frustrated in her attempt to control the constant bickerings and blames her troubles on their father, who left her, when the twins were babies, for his red-haired secretary. Donnie and Connie had a very limited relationship with their father, who later left his secretary for another woman.Embittered by the reverses and heartaches of life, Mrs. Slocum reared her children entirely apart from any church affiliation. But the faithful witnessing of a lay member of a small church. Mrs. Flowers, in their community caused Connie to become interested in spiritual things.Connie's new church interest caused conflicts in her home with her mother and twin brother. It also created difficulty in her relationship with Ralph, Donnie's best friend with whom Connie had become romantically involved. She was unable to interest them in going to church with her, and was discouraged by them from going to her small church. Her differences with Ralph over her church contributed to the breakup of their relationship although they remained friends. In spite of this, Connie continued her spiritual pursuit at the small church and accepted Christ. This led to her ultimately deciding to go to a Bible College with her church friend, Judy, in spite of concerns about the impact of leaving her mother at home. She was also concerned about the cost of her college education, but her prayers resulted in her needs being met in unexpected ways She also met and established a romantic relationship with Larry there even though she stilll maintained some feelings for Ralph.While away from home, Connie remained concerned about her mother and Donnie. She was especially concerned about Donnie's partying and alcoholic tendencies while at college. She continued to pray for their salvation. .She was very encouraged when she received a letter from her mother saying she missed Connie, and promised her that she would go to church with Mrs, Flowers. Shortly thereafter, she received a call from her mother telling Connie she had accepted Christ. Connie was so thankful to hear that her prayers had been answered. Unfortunately, she also found out that Donnie had been in an automobile accident with friend Ralph, and that Donnie was unconscious, in critical condition. Ralph was also hospitalized. Both were intoxicated and driver Ralph had received a DWI citation. Connie was extremely concerned about Donnie since she knew he was not prepared to meet his maker.Connie's prayers were answered when Donnie finally recovered. Connie was able to return to Bible College and was interested in re-connecting with Larry but found out he was dating someone else. Connie was baffled that Larry apparently had no interest in her any longer – she would like to be his “steady girl”. A missionary convention was held at the Bible College, soliciting missionaries for New Guinea. This convention changed Connie's life, as she responded to a call to the mission field in spite of concerns about being away from her family. She remembered her promise to God when she was saved that she would follow Him “in straight paths” - “I'll go anywhere you want to send me”.Shortly afterwards, she discovered that Larry had also responded to the mission call in New Guinea as a result of the missionary convention. This re-kindled the relationship between Connie and Larry. She could now see Larry's love for her in his eyes.Through Connie's experience, she discovered that the straight path of righteousness leads through trials, tests, heartache, persecution, separation, and loneliness. But, on the other hand, in this realistic story written especially for young people, you will discover with Connie that the way to full surrender to God is the only path to true joy, peace, satisfaction and a useful, happy life.