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Dear Reader, Long before I wrote my sexy paranormal romances, I wrote traditional Regency romances as Debbie Raleigh. Now I'm delighted that one of my favorites is available once more, as full of romance—and surprises—as ever . . . When a woman appears at Stanholte Manor claiming to be the real heir to the family fortune, Miss Cassandra Stanholte determines to prove her a fraud. Cassie's one clue leads her to the most notorious neighborhood in London—where she disguises herself as a courtesan. But her plan is hampered by the utterly exasperating, and irresistibly charming, Lord Luke Mumford. The man is is apparently intrigued by her, and has a habit of turning up at the most inopportune times. Cassie prays he'll tire of his obsession before he discovers the truth—and she falls any deeper in love....But Luke is a bored lord, looking for adventure. He's determined to discover what...