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In the far distant future, in a forsaken galaxy of dying stars, the last great war between good and evil erupts when the Devil King of the Dark Forever attacks the mystical world of Phate. Plunged into a desperate battle, the dusk elf savior Drinwor Fang seeks the legendary Sunsword, which could vanquish evil forevermore. But as the battle begins, Drinwor learns he's being stalked by an even more despicable fiend than the Devil King. Enter Warloove, the Lord of the Dark Elves, who's obsessed with stealing the sword, and thus fulfilling the mysterious aims of his alien master, which could thwart Drinwor's chances of upholding light in the universe. Influenced by both the classical voices of literature and the visual immersion of modern cinema, Phate delivers a powerfully moving experience that is to be experienced as much as read.