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Hannah Newmont learns that her family’s fortune is all but depleted, and her future hangs in the balance. With no money, and being a member of the Gentry to boot the chances of her finding an appropriate suitor, let alone one she loves, may only happen in her dreams.Joseph Larson, Sixth Duke of Charrington, has worn the moniker of Duke of Chance with pride. He cares nothing for the devastation he leaves in his wake and will stop at nothing to come out on top.When his best friend makes a wager with him that he cannot get a woman of the Gentry to earn the respect of the ton, Joseph, in turn, poses a wager to Hannah. If she wins, he will give her father one thousand pounds. However, if she loses, she must allow him to court her.Desperate to remedy her family’s situation, Hannah agrees to the coin flip and her fate for the next three months is sealed.As time progresses, Hannah experiences what it is like to be the ton and the weight it carries. But not all is as it seems, and Hanna begins to question how lucky Joseph really is. In the end, each both Hannah and Joseph must ponder the most simplest of questions. Can any good come from the flip of a coin?