The Strange Tale of the Snake Ring
by John Holroyd
The Snake Ring's magic is unique, unseen yet powerful. It can change the way events happen, warn good people of danger and lead villains into failure and disgrace. It belongs to young Thomas, who is preparing to set off to seek his fortune. He leaves the ring in the care of his sweetheart, Gerda, but she is careless and allows the ring to fall into a river nearby... Thomas arrives at the Shining Kingdom, where he finds work in the king's kitchen. To his surprise, one day the king gives the boy a knighthood and a bag of gold, even suggesting he might marry a princess. But Thomas is true to his love and asks to return home. The king equips him with a horse, a sword, a badge to prove his importance and... the Snake Ring! It has appeared to protect him once again. Feeling pleased with himself, Thomas ignores the ring's warning not to take the path through the forest on his journey home. He is captured by robbers, who lock him in a cave and take his ring to the next town to sell it....