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After two years, Robin Curtis, her fourteen-year-old son, Paul, and her new husband, Mike Landware, have healed emotionally from their terrifying ordeal when a serial killer, suicide and the supernatural ravaged their lives and the isolated Southwestern mountain town of Devil Creek, which they call home. But those scars are ripped open anew when Mike thinks he sees the woman he was married to, years before he met Robin. Her name was Carol, and she was the victim of a vicious rape/murder. The police had briefly suspected Mike but the case was marked Closed when a handyman was arrested and later committed suicide. But Carol's murder was never officially solved. When Mike sees "Carol" a second time in one day, life turns dark very quickly for Robin. For the first time since their marriage, she begins having serious doubts about this man she's married. Who is this mystery woman who is haunting them, reawakening long-buried demons deep with Mike? Has Robin married a murderer? And has an ancient Indian spirit gained possession of her son? With a catastrophic forest fire raging closer and closer toward this once peaceful town, violence, murder and mystery return to Devil Creek.