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Winter is the worst time of year to have to beg on the streets. People become less charitable, and shelter beds are harder to get. One cold night, homeless teens pick the wrong house to squat in. Not only is it old, but it's also haunted by an angry ghost.Genre: Tweens 10 +Homeless teenagers, Tatia, Bruce and Jack don't have much - not even caring parents. But they've got each other. Winter is the worst time of year to have to beg on the streets. People become less charitable, and shelter beds are harder to get. One cold night, they pick the wrong house to squat in. Not only is it old, but it's also haunted by an angry ghost. As if that weren't trouble enough, Jack needs to get $1,000 to buy back his father's vintage Roy Buchanan Fender Telecaster. Follow the kids as use they devise a plan to get his guitar back. And in the end, save the ghost from the destruction of the house.Genre: Tween Novella, ages 10+

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