Taxi Teasing
by Stephanie Knight
He was mesmerising, captivating and sexy but there was something detached about the handsome man Anna met in the club that night and for a woman who was used to fending off the obvious advances of male admirers, this was a new experience. In order to become the object of his desires Anna finds herself entering into a world of sexual submission and unquestioning subservience to The Puppet Master. Denying him his erotic pleasures in all their forms means being deprived of his attentions entirely and Anna is besotted enough to want to do anything rather than let that happen. From outgoing, headstrong woman to willing marionette Anna’s obsession sends her dancing to the strings of Daniel’s depraved desires.Taxi teasing is the first part in the Puppet Master series which sees the beautiful and outgoing Anna meet the handsome but cold Daniel for the first time. Obsessed with the fact that he has not fallen for her as she expected, Anna finds herself engaging in a series of breathtakingly imaginative sexual encounters, orchestrated by Daniel, which push her to her limit but exactly how far is she willing to go to hold his attention?