Book Read Free
Thursday, November 25: Evening, my crib Spirit Level: Cold and stuffed Okay, just when I thought things were totally perfect and Bevan and I were going to live happily ever after together (or, like, go to the movies), I remembered the Katie Parker factor!! AND Katie has been giving me the super cold shoulder, and I mean F-R-E-E-Z-I-N-G cold!! She must know. As if things arent weird enough, Mom wants the Grizzlies to go to the state regional competition to cheer on the Titans and see a real competition. Im psyched to watch all the cheering, especially since the Grizzlies are getting a bit restless without a big game on the horizon. But if Katie knows about me and Bevan, the temp of this super high-pressured weekend is going to get really coldREALLY fast. And something tells me that this competition is going to have MORE than its fair share of stuntson AND OFF the mat. Oh brother Just when things with the...