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A beard-related dare and one hot-as-hell kiss changes everything. NFL center Ethan Dexter's focus has always been on playing football and little else. Except when it comes to one particular woman. The lovely Fiona Mackenzie might not care about his fame, but she's also never looked at him as anything more than one of her brother-in-law's best friends. That ends now. Fi doesn't know what to make of Dex. The bearded, tattooed, mountain of man-muscle looks more like a biker than a football player. Rumor has it he's a virgin, but she finds that hard to believe. Because from the moment he decides to turn his quiet intensity on her she's left weak at the knees and aching to see his famous control fully unleashed. Fi ought to guard her heart and walk away; they live vastly different lives in separate cities. And Dex is looking for a forever girl. But Dex has upped his game and is using all his considerable charm to convince Fi he's her forever man. Game On Contemporary Romance with a HEA - Recommended for readers 18 and older. Book 3 in the Game On series. ~ EXCERPT from THE GAME PLAN, copyright 2015 Kristen Callihan ~ We stare at each other, nearly nose to nose now. And it feels...comfortable, tentative, new, strange. "I don't know what to make of this," I whisper. "I didn't expect you, Ethan." His eyes search my face. "I've been waiting two years for you to see me." He says the words clearly, without hesitation, and still I can't believe them. A lump rises in my throat. "We've only interacted twice before in all that time." "Four times, not counting the wedding. You were there when Gray and I graduated. And at Draft Day." "You went high in the first round," I say, remembering now. "That's rare for a center." "You wore a white sundress with cherries on it for graduation, and a gray knit dress with black knee-high boots for Draft Day." My chest feels too tight, and I have to clear my throat to speak. "Why didn't I notice you before?" Because he was right in front of me the whole time. This big, beautiful man who doesn't shy away from honesty. With a caress of his thumb, he eases a lock of hair behind my ear. "I didn't exactly make myself known." "Why not? And why now?" He frowns, watching his thumb glide over the edge of my jaw toward my lips. "Couldn't stay away from you this time." Before I can ask what he means, Dex slides his large hand to my nape and hauls me close. His mouth claims mine--needy, demanding, a complete counterpoint to the careful way he holds me. Hot mouth, gentle hands.**