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A syfy fantasy, packed with mystery, swords, daggers, and adventure. Journey with Kyhawn as he finds the courage to faces his dreams. A voyage across the ocean unfolds a chain of dreadful events that had long been forgotten. The chest they're harboring isn't what is seems. Unusual creatures,magic crystals,unburied treasures, and betrayal that tries to darken the light of all that is good.Mystery adventure syfy fantasy, packed with unusual creatures, and magic crystals. Unburied treasures that conceal secrets that had long been forgotten. Far from Earth in a long ago era, during an age when candles gave light to the dark of the night. Journey with Kyhawn as he finds the courage to face his dreams. With the evils of betrayal and greed hidden between the shadows, a window opens into the dreams of unknown realities, yet to be understood by Kyhawn the dreamer. a voyage across the ocean unfolds a chain of events that had long been forgotten. They soon discover the chest they're harboring isn't what is seems.