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In his bestselling debut tell-all Cruise Confidential, cruise ship insider Brian David Bruns revealed why he was the only American in Carnival Cruise Lines history to complete a full eight-month contract in their restaurants. Returning with his award-winning wit and delightfully candid narrative voice, Brian brings us the first and only expose of art auctioneering on the mighty liners, where the tenet of 'what happens at sea, stays at sea' has always been observed—until now.Ship for Brains takes on cruise ship art auctioneers, a society brimming with odd personalities drawn to the stress and isolation that invariably lead to alcohol and a Hell-may-care attitude. According to Bruns, "They willingly give up home and family in favor of high-paced, crushing sales goals demanded while port-hopping from nation to nation; art auctioneers are undermined by the lash of tyrannical ship officers, unforgiving gallery managers, hyena-like trainers, and a skeptical public. The burn-out rate is...