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Arrested without warning, charged on unjust terms; Fit Up is the harrowing true story of a couple's ten-year battle to reclaim their lives and integrity after a flawed police inquiry effectively ruined them, both emotionally and financially. From her unique perspective as wife of the accused, Faith Clifford documents the tragic consequences of her husband Jeremy's wrongful arrest and charges for downloading child porn on the internet, and the subsequent ordeal that nearly drove them both to suicide. Embroiled in the ill-managed Operation Ore, the most controversial investigation in recent police history, the couple remain the only people in the UK to have successfully sued the police in this type of case, having been finally awarded damages and significant costs of over £750,000. Lifting the lid on embellished charges and manipulated evidence, Fit Up recounts in heart-wrenching detail how a normal couple were subjected to the stigma and prejudice of being associated with...