The Night McLennan Died (A Big Jim Western Book 1)
by Marshall Grover
Available at a special low price for the first seven days of publication!The bullet that killed Chris Rand sounded the death-knell to one career and started another for the tall, tough and relentless Jim Rand — the man they called Big Jim.To strife-torn Libertad, a trouble-town on the Arizona-Mexico border, came Big Jim, hunting his brother's killer. It was inevitable that he should become involved in the struggle for power in Libertad, the conflict between Sheriff Luke Hillary, who had lost the use of his gun-arm, and the Block B outfit, the ten trigger-happy hellions led by the fearsome Old Man Burdette.And never far behind Big Jim — always lurking somewhere close — was that pocket-picking, ugly little Mexican, Beninto Espina. The Mex sided Big Jim in the final hectic shown, and a strange alliance was born.