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Regina Blunder is a second generation Korean American just trying to make enough money move out of her parents house. Her job: Ghost Hunter. She's pretty good too. Thanks to her mom being from a long line of Korean shamans. With the help of her lazy, but pretty cool friend Sam, Regina cleans up all the ghouls and ghosts of Betterton, OH.From remembrances of better days in lives so dark they make us shudder, to the fearful reality of a back against a cold metal slab, comes hope that can bud on a rainy day, in being cared about for the first time, from taking the hand of a stranger, or in the smile of a recognized angel.Immerse yourself in the fictional world of clever writers rising up to meet the challenge, prompted with three simple words:New, Whisper, Spring.This anthology contains stories that flow across many genres: Fantasy, Romance, Mystery, and more; all intertwined with a basic theme that whispers sweetly of new beginnings.Writing short fiction based on a weekly challenge is what Clever Fiction is all about. "Mystery Ingredients" are offered and writers mix it up into something creative. The stories are then posted for other writers and readers to enjoy and critique - comments are always welcome. And you are welcome too! The site is open, so if you're interested in some great reading or even participating, please take a look:

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