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Chloe Green is on top of the world. She just graduated from law school, and was offered her dream job while she was still in the interview. Life is going pretty great for the type-A planner - until she suddenly finds herself on the wrong end of a mugger's knife. She thought she was prepared for any situation, but she never imagined this. Chris Martell comes from a family of cops, but the firefighter never wanted that life. He’d much rather face a raging blaze than an unpredictable, crazy guy with a knife. But when he sees the most beautiful woman he's ever laid eyes on being mugged, protective instincts he never knew he had well up. Surprising no one more than himself, he steps in without a second thought. Chris never saw himself as the "white knight" type, but damn if he doesn't want to be Chloe's hero. Chloe never thought she was the "damsel" type, but when she's around Chris, she wants nothing more than to surrender and trust him. Is Chris willing to turn his life upside down for a long-distance love? And can Chloe let go enough to let him? 

Pages of Wild Irish: Falling for Wild (KW) :

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