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Steven Denver is a writer struggling to find a plot for his next novel, the success of which -- or lack of -- will mean the continuance or the demise of his career. But when he stumbles upon a strange green whirlpool near his home, he discovers that it is a gateway through space and time. Exploring the Gatespace beyond leads him into worlds unknown and adventures that defy the imagination, perfect fuel for the creativity of an author...But there's just one complication... will he ever make it home to write that book?About the AuthorI was born in San Francisco, California, in 2151. Oh, wait. that was the first starship Enterprise. San Francisco, 1959: I was born to two transplants from Missouri. Lived in Denver, Colorado for a couple of years, and then moved to Oklahoma at the age of five, where I remained until I was about 37. I spent ten years in the Ozark Mountains of Northwest Arkansas, and now I live on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota, where I have been since 2007. I've been a writer since I can remember; I used to make up stories and fill spiral notebooks with them back when I was eight or nine years old. At the age of fourteen, I started writing songs, and music pretty much took up all my time for the next thirty years or so, with the exception of the odd tale (and sometimes they were very odd tales indeed) now and then. I'm pretty much fascinated with the subject of the future; when I was a little kid, I read about things like the great Comet Halley, last seen in the year my grandmother was born, 1910, and due to return in 1986. I did the math and realized that I would be a doddering old man of 27 when that occurred. I was very excited about the prospect of seeing Halley, and was quite disappointed when 1986 came and went without my having seen so much as a wisp of its tail. I made up for it in early 1997, though; I happened to be outside doing some work in my yard in rural Oklahoma one evening when I glanced up and caught sight of Comet Hale-Bopp, hanging there in the northern sky, as pale and diaphanous as a ghost, its twin tails clearly visible -- the pale, yellowish dust tail and the bluish gas tail. So, anyway -- back to the future (see what I did there?). Here we are in the two thousand teens, and while we do have the hand-held computer tablets that give us access to petabytes of data at our fingertips -- a concept I imagined in the early 1970s -- we still don't have Star Trek-style transporters, faster than light space travel, hotels at the L4 or L5 points of Earth's orbit... we don't even have Jetsons-style flying cars. What a letdown. Oh, well. "Pinball" is my first full-length novel. I hope you enjoy it.