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A cautionary tale of love, mathematics and the innocuous.
**About the Author
C.SeanMcGee is a prolific multidimensional storyteller and philosopher writing strange literary fiction novels in a tiny town in the Brazilian countryside called Araraquara, a place where the air constantly stings with the smell of burned oranges, where the sun offers little respite, painting the trail of clouds with its picturesque red and orange hue, and where Sartre himself chose to diverge his famed Brazilian discourse away from beaches and the choking populous, in favor of cobbled roads and the ubiquitous Baroque architecture and devilish sculptures. C.SeanMcGee writes what he coined Strange Literary Fiction, a blend of articulate literation with concise philosophy and some difficult and oddball themes. He writes from a purely philosophical lens with a sharp wit and a twisted perspective of humanity. As an author, his writing is schizophrenic, not holding to any repeated theme, ranging from Dystopian FIction (traditional - not this new age pop culture rubbish), Dystopian Fairy Tale, Political Satire, Philosophical/Theological Satire, Idealistic Satire, Black Comedy, Literary Fiction and Horror. Neath each story is the same vibrating string. . C.SeanMcGee is an Alien. 

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