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Cassidy Barnett is not your average twelve- (almost thirteen!-) year -old. While most other girls her age are worries about school and clothes and boys, Cass has spent most of her life traveling the world with her travel TV-show-host parents. She gets to visit fabulous places and loves connecting with people via her popular blog.But when the producers of the show decide that they want to feature Cass on camera, all of that starts to change. Now she's got to think about what she says, how she looks, and what the world is saying about her. Because like it or not, it's LIGHTS, CAMERA, CASSIDY! In this third episode, Cassidy is thrilled when the time comes for her and Logan to start filming publicity spots for their parents' TV show in Costa Rica. But there's a damper on her sunshiny outlook when she realizes that Logan is less than thrilled at being in front of the camera. Even worse, she soon discovers that someone has hacked into her blog and is posting some...