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The Tables Have Turned…Jamie Holland was on the run from his longtime lover—okay, they’d been together for a week, but the sex was awesome—after he discovered to his horror the impossible and yet totally probable truth: Ethan Frost, hot sexy and dominant male Ethan, is a hunter, a man trained to search out and bring in anyone with paranormal super powers. Since Jamie sometimes, maybe, kind of has a little problem controlling his electrical powers when he’s nervous, and he might have caused a blackout, Ethan is duty bound to bring Jamie in. No One’s Running Away Now… An Accident that knocks both men out leaves Ethan vulnerable, and when dangerous paranormals find them, Jamie unleashes hell in the form of blue lightning to save the man he loves. With Ethan injured, Jamie must care for him, keeping him safe against anyone who might want to harm him. Though Ethan offers Jamie his freedom, Jamie finds himself unable to leave his side, and Ethan doesn’t want Jamie to go… In the sequel to Burns Like Fire, Jamie and Ethan must struggle with their still new, and very strong attraction for each other, while protecting each other from those who are out to put Jamie in a lab, and throw Ethan in prison as a traitor. Though they care very deeply for each other, they must quickly decide if the conflict in their particular romance is impossible to overcome, and if it would be safer to part ways forever...**