Love Uninhibited
by Destiny Moon
When Maya admits her darkest fantasy of being captured by a gang of pirates and forced to surrender, Hunter makes her dream come true. Every woman has fantasies, but Maya is new to even talking about them, let alone acting on them. A divorcĂ©e from Utah, she breaks free from her repressive past when she moves to Boston on a whim. Starting a new life as a single woman in a big city is a challenge, but for someone who was taught that sexual desires were wrong, it is particularly hard. When Hunter, a charming co-worker, wants to date her, she must face her worst fear—that she's just not ready for a 'normal' relationship. However, Maya's attraction to and trust in Hunter eventually pays off. To her own surprise, she finds herself revealing the truth to him. Though she expects judgment, she is met with enthusiasm. Hunter wants to satisfy her deepest darkest longing—to be captured by a gang of pirates and forced to surrender to them. In Hunter she...